July  2014 29
特邀論文Invited Papers
In Memory of Stuart Hall: Rethinking Critical Communication
作者 馬傑偉
Author Eric Kit Wai MA
關鍵詞 串連、後馬克思主義、處境主義
Keywords Articulation, Post-Marxism, Contextualism
摘要 不少華人傳播學者,在課堂上介紹霍爾的編碼/解碼模型,可能並未意識到:編碼/解碼乃霍爾理論的皮毛。霍爾指出物質結構與意識價值,前者乃實,後者乃虛,一實一虛,實決定虛,虛可攻實。亦即是說,有權力、有產業,就能左右人心。這種左右人心的能力,並不像被簡化的馬克思主義所說,是必然的決定;霍爾指出,所有決定性的時機,均沒有決定性的保證,參與其中的你我,均可能掙脫角色、擺脫宿命。這種靈活的處境串連思辯,正是華人傳播學者尚未充分借用的理論資源。
Abstract Hall's encode/decode model has often been introduced in communication classes without the awareness of this model being merely the surface of Hall's post-Marxist intervention. This short paper attempts to place Hall's concept of articulation in a “no necessary correspondence” relation between the material and the ideological, and explain how Hall revitalizes critical cultural and media analyses by his contextualism, which might be a productive theoretical resource for communication research in the Chinese context.



Citation of this article:

MA, E. K. W. (2014). In memory of Stuart Hall: Rethinking critical communication. Communication & Society, 29, 25–32
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