July  2014 29
特邀論文Invited Papers
Stuart Hall: His Writings and Influence
作者 蘇鑰機
Author Clement Y. K. SO
關鍵詞 文化研究、引文分析、學者比較
Keywords Cultural Studies, Citation Analysis, Comparison of Scholars
摘要 本文首先簡述霍爾的生平,以及他的主要學術理念。利用Google Scholar及Web of Science 的資料庫作為搜尋工具,本文列出霍爾的主要著作及其關鍵詞,並分析其中引用他兩本書所涉及的學術領域及國家地區。最後通過比較霍爾和一些大師級學者被引用的情況,來判斷霍爾的學術影響和歷史地位。
Abstract This article first briefly highlights Stuart Hall's biography and his major academic thoughts. Using Google Scholar and the Web of Science as databases, Hall's major writings and keywords are identified. Analysis of two of his important works shows the related fields of study and countries of influence. Through comparing the citations of Hall and other master-class scholars, we can have a better understanding of Hall's influence and his position in history.


蘇鑰機(2014)。〈霍爾:他的著作和影響〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第29 期,頁17–24。

Citation of this article:

SO, C. Y. K. (2014). Stuart Hall: His writings and influence. Communication & Society, 29, 17–24
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