July  2014 29
The Next Step of Indigenous Communication Research
作者 對談人:汪琪、蕭小穗 統 稿:蕭小穗
Author Discussants: Georgette WANG, Xiaosui XIAO Editor: Xiaosui XIAO
摘要 「我認為在研究中指出理論與現實的矛盾之處、並彰顯文化特色與本土經驗是必要的,但這不是本土學術發展的目的與終點、而是基礎與起點。例如有學者指出「議題設定」理論在大陸並不適用,因為大陸媒體本來就是以設定議題為目的。確實,當媒體性質與目標都不同的時候,所謂「議題設定」的功能究竟是不證自明、完全失效、抑或會促使讀者從「官方/ 媒體議題」另外發展出一套「民間/ 讀者議題」?如果是後兩種情況,這對於「議題設定」理論的意涵又是甚麼?這些問題都可能導引出一套新的理論論述。」
Abstract A large part of Georgette Wang's works has been devoted to highlighting a local perspective in communication research, and exploring how this perspective can lead to a fruitful dialogue with the mainstream West. In this interview she calls for a “reconnaissance” of the “self” and the “other” for Chinese communication researchers. In preparation for building locally grounded theoretical discourses, she suggests that it is not only necessary to recognize the value of traditional thoughts and local experiences, but is also important for researchers to face the limitations of existing methodological paradigm in dealing with cultural issues in academic research.


汪琪(2014)。〈本土傳播研究的下一步〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第29 期,頁1–15。

Citation of this article:

Wang, G. (2014) The next step of indigenous communication research. Communication & Society, 29, 1–15.
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