October  2014 30
傳播論壇Communication Forum
Media Bias: Objective Presence or Subjective Perception?
作者 閻岩、周樹華
Author Yan YAN, Shuhua ZHOU
關鍵詞 媒體偏見、自由主義、保守主義、客觀性
Keywords media bias, liberalism, conservatism, objectivity
摘要 媒體偏見是指新聞媒體在報道某個或某類事件、社會問題或衝突時,傾向於對某一方、某一政策或某一觀點提供持續性的支持意見或反對意見的現象。本文對西方學界20世紀70年代以來關於媒體偏見的研究加以綜合性的回顧和梳理。文章首先回顧了關於媒體偏見客觀性和主觀性本質的爭論,以及圍繞這一爭論的主要理論闡釋,進而從信源引用、事實闡釋、成因歸結和解決方案四個方面討論媒體偏見的表現形式。隨後,本文以電視新聞為例,系統地檢視了源自新聞製作者、新聞人物和新聞消費者三個方面的媒體偏見成因和表現。最後,文章對媒體偏見的衡量標準、糾正途徑、評價和未來研究方向等問題加以評述。本文旨在通過對以往研究的系統性綜述,釐清媒體偏見這一概念的發生和沿革,嘗試為今後的研究提供總體框架。
Abstract Media bias entails a tendency to support or oppose a particular stance, policy, or point of view in a consistent manner when the news media cover a particular event, social issue, or conflict. This synthesis traced the history of media bias research since the 1970s and summarized main theoretical perspectives regarding such research. We first reviewed the debate on the objective and subjective nature of media bias, followed by a delineation of the main factors contributing to media bias including news sources, storytelling, cause and resolution. We also used television as an example to discuss the possible mechanisms and representation of media bias originating from news professionals, news makers, and news consumers. The review concludes by proposing measurement criteria, correctional means, assessment tools, and future direction regarding the study of media bias. Our main goal is to provide clear definitions and frameworks for future research in this important research domain.


閻岩、周樹華(2014)。〈媒體偏見:客觀體現和主觀感知〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第30 期,頁227–264。

Citation of this article:

Yan, Y., & Zhou, S. (2014). Media Bias: Objective Presence or Subjective Perception? Communication & Society, 30, 227–264.
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