October  2014 30
研究論文Research Articles
商業創新與媒體創新: 國際通訊社轉型研究
Business and Media Innovation: A Study on Transformation at International News Agencies
作者 何國華
Author Gwo Hwa HO
關鍵詞 商業創新、組織創新、國際通訊社、新聞專業
Keywords business innovation, organizational innovation, international news agency, media professionalism
摘要 本研究藉由三大通訊社——《美聯社》、《路透社》、《法新社》個案分析,透過深度訪談與次級資料分析,提供台灣新聞媒體面對競爭環境下建立商業創新和媒體創新策略參考。本研究歸納分類四個層面(SMCJ),分別為:組織變革(S, Structure Change)、商業創新(M, Market Innovation)、通路創新(C, Channel Innovation)、新聞專業(J, Journalism Professional)分析比較通訊社個案,歸納出通訊社轉型過程中的風險和機會。面對社交媒體發展,如何進行組織創新?如何創新商業模式和市場定位?本研究也援引Boyd-Barrett的國際通訊社六分類比較架構做為研究參考模型。本研究發現,三大通訊社轉型過程中必須同時評估可能的風險與機會;三大通訊社同時必須維繫百年來持續轉型傳統以提升新聞品質與商業創新。
Abstract This paper explores risk and opportunity encountered by news agencies undergoing transformation in terms of an SMCJ (structure change, market innovation, channel innovation, and journalism profession) model. The Associated Press (AP), Reuters, and Agence France-Presse (AFP) were chosen as subjects for case studies, in-depth interviews, and secondary data collection to determine how each organization handled restructuring and business model shifts to maintain an advantageous position in an era characterized by the rise of social media. Boyd-Barrett's six-model framework for analysis is used as a research reference. The study concludes that the AP, Reuters, and AFP need to asses risks and potential gains before and during their shifts while also striving to maintain the century-old momentum of shifting traditions aimed at improving the quality of news and business innovation.


何國華(2014)。〈商業創新與媒體創新:國際通訊社轉型研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第30 期,頁191–226。

Citation of this article: HO, G. H. (2014). Business and media innovation: A study on transformation at international news agencies. Communication & Society, 30, 191–226.
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