October  2014 30
研究論文Research Articles
跨國資訊政治: 當地方性抗爭遭遇國際媒體
Transnational Information Politics: The Interaction between Local Contentions and International Media
作者 黃廣生
Author Vincent Guangsheng HUANG
關鍵詞 全球化、社會抗爭、跨國資訊政治、國際媒體、資源動員 黃
Keywords globalization, contentious politics in Mainland China, transnational information politics, international media, resources mobilization
摘要 在全球化語境下,國際媒體與威權國家草根式地方性社會抗爭之間的互動形塑了顯著的「跨國資訊政治」。本文從資源動員論的視角出發,將國際媒體視為一種抗爭資源,通過威權國家兩個相異個案的對比研究,從資源的有用性(resource usefulness)和資源的局限性(resource constraint)兩個維度解釋國際媒體和草根式地方性抗爭的互動邏輯;並揭示國際媒體作為一種具有語境依賴性(context-dependent)的抗爭資源,其有用性和局限性如何依據動態政治情境的變化而發生變化。在本研究看來,這是跨國資訊政治能否形成的關鍵。
Abstract In the globalization era, the interaction between local grassroots protests and international media has given rise to the “transnational information politics”. Having exerted great pressure on domestic political control, transnational information politics has posted challenge to the authoritarian rule in many countries. Previous research tends to treat the international media as scarce resources that local grassroots activists desperately need. However, it seems that in some cases the grassroots activists tend to refuse to speak out their voices in the international media space. Why are some activists eager to get access to the international media and some are not? Drawing on the theoretical perspective of resources mobilization, this research describes and then examines this interaction processes by comparing two protest cases from China. By contextualizing the role of international media in different protest cases, the author proposes theoretical advances by introducing the concepts of “dynamic political context” to understand the complex role international media play in local grassroots protests. The author argues that as important protest resources, the usefulness and constraints of international media varied with the dynamic political context. This paper concludes that the dynamic political context ultimately shapes the ways in which local grassroots activists and international media interact, and determines the degree to which local grassroots activism can evolve into transnational information politics.


黃廣生(2014)。〈跨國資訊政治:當地方性抗爭遭遇國際媒體〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第30 期,頁157–190。

Citation of this article:

Huang, V. G. (2014). Transnational information politics: The interaction between local contentions and international media. Communication & Society, 30, 157–190.
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