October  2014 30
研究論文Research Articles
經驗表述與理論探尋—— 民族傳播研究的可能性路徑
Expression of Experience and Exploration of Theory: The Possible Path of Ethnic Communication Research
作者 孫信茹、楊星星
Author Xinru SUN, Xingxing YANG
關鍵詞 民族傳播、媒介在場、媒介邏輯、媒介意義
Keywords ethnic communication, media presence, logic of media, significance of media
摘要 文章基於民族誌和個案研究的基礎上,對少數民族鄉村社會與大眾傳媒的互動進行研究。其中,重點分析了「媒介化社會」的背景下,大眾傳媒對鄉村社會結構、文化結構等帶來的影響。文章認為,在此研究領域中,應該將媒介還原到其存在及發揮影響作用的基本背景中,並注意在複雜的社會網絡運行和構成中,媒介力量也和社會生活、經濟運行、文化影響等其他邏輯一樣,同樣發揮着重要的影響作用。可以說,本文的研究是對民族傳播研究領域的一次新的理論探索。
Abstract This paper discusses the interaction of rural society of ethnic minorities and mass communication, based on the ethnography and case studies. The focus of this paper is that how mass media influences the social structure and cultural structure of the rural society. This paper argues media should be considered in the basic context in which it exists and functions. In the process of formation and process of the complex social networks, the power of media plays an important role as other powers, such as social life, economic operation and cultural influence. This paper is a theoretical exploration of ethnic communication research.


孫信茹、楊星星(2014)。〈經驗表述與理論探尋—— 民族傳播研究的可能性路徑〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第30 期,頁133–156。

Citation of this article:

Sun, X., & Yang, X. (2014). Expression of experience and exploration of theory: The possible path of ethnic communication research. Communication & Society, 30, 133–156.
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