October  2014 30
研究論文Research Articles
台灣K-POP女性「迷/ 粉絲」的跨國消費 與文化想像
Transnational Consumption and Cultural Imagination of Female K-POP Fans in Taiwan
作者 許如婷
Author Ju-Ting HSU
關鍵詞 韓流、韓國流行音樂、跨國明星、迷文化、偶像崇拜
Keywords Korean Wave, K-POP, Transnational Stars, Fan Cultures, Idolatry
摘要 本研究以台灣女性「迷/粉絲」為研究對象,探討K-POP男子團體偶像在台灣所構築的「迷文化」具備何種意義,以及「迷/粉絲」是如何形成、發展,並且台灣女性「迷/粉絲」如何於日常生活中實踐她們對K-POP偶像的認同想像。其中,研究乃藉由深度訪談、文本分析取徑進行討論。

研究發現,對台灣女性「迷/粉絲」而言,K-POP男子團體有幾個重要的消費、想像意義。第一,跨國媒體聚合建構了一個文化想像空間,致使「迷/粉絲」透過挪用(appropriating)、重製偶像相關文本,與其他不同區域的「迷/ 粉絲」形成想像「迷群」(fandom)。第二,此空間中,台灣「迷/粉絲」賦予K-POP跨國偶像一種新(混)的國族想像認同。第三,韓國娛樂經紀產業以多重男子氣概(masculinity)策略包裝偶像, 其中男子成員的「花美男」(pretty boy)、「陰柔/ 柔性」(soft masculinity)、「野獸男」(momjjang)氣質,觀照了台灣女性迷群「陰性氣質」投射的性別認同。第四,K-POP男子團體所展現的跨國、跨類型音樂風格,讓粉絲沉浸於無國界的聆聽氛圍。第五,台灣女性「迷/粉絲」將K-POP偶像崇拜,融入於日常生活,試圖在「我」與「偶像」之間編織故事、記憶,以實踐偶像認同。以上成為台灣女性崇拜K-POP男子偶像的「迷文化」。
Abstract This study explores how Taiwanese female fans and idolaters identify with K-POP male idol groups and examines fan performativity, the practice and imagination of idolatry in daily life. In-depth interviews and textual analysis are the main research methods.

These female fans indulge themselves in cross-national idolatry as K-POP male idol groups are essential part of the current global trans-national pop trend. Most fans set their criteria for ideal lovers based on either the femininelooking “pretty boy” or the masculine-shaped “mukokuseki” idol types. Furthermore, the hybridism of K-pop music provides these fans trans-national and trans-genre experiences. Media convergence transforms passive audiences to active fans; that is, these fans poach and reproduce idol-related texts and participate in imagined global fan communities. For these female fans, K-POP idolatry is at once their lifestyle and way of life. This kind of fan performativity is extremely narcissistic in that fans would fabricate intimate stories and “memories” of idols and themselves. In other words, K-pop idols become integrate part of their every own self-identities.


許如婷(2014)。〈台灣K-POP女性「迷/粉絲」的跨國消費與文化想像〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第30 期,頁97–131。

Citation of this article:

Hsu, J. T. (2014). Transnational consumption and cultural imagination of female K-POP fans in Taiwan. Communication & Society, 30, 97–131.
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