October  2014 30
研究論文Research Articles
國際新聞中的「中國形象」:與中國相關的 民意調查的新聞報導
作者 溫乃楠、郝曉鳴、魏然
Author Nainan WEN, Xiaoming HAO, Ran WEI
關鍵詞 中國、民意調查、國家形象、國際新聞
Keywords China, public opinion poll, national image, international news
摘要 近年來,中國已躍至世界舞台的中心位置,國際媒體中所呈現的中國形象也因此顯得尤為重要。然而,長久以來,中國在國際新聞報導中呈現出的國家形象一直很模糊。民意調查報導是國際新聞報導中的一種特殊形式,為我們釐清一國的國家形象提供了豐富而客觀的信息。本研究對1979年至2009年間國際新聞中有關中國的民意調查報導進行了內容分析,以期從一個側面觀察中國形象。我們發現,在過去的三十年間,國際媒體對於中國相關的民意調查的報導持續增長,報導主題和報導論調都發生了改變,不同來源的媒體關注的焦點和報導論調也有所不同。與台灣和其他亞洲媒體相比,港澳和西方媒體更關注中國的內部事務。與外國媒體(主要為台灣、日本、馬來西亞及西方媒體)相比,港澳媒體的報導論調更積極。另外,在報導中,港澳媒體比西方媒體提供了更多的有關民調方法方面的信息。最後,本文對以上發現的意義進行了深入探討。
Abstract In recent years, China has stepped onto the center stage of the world arena and drawn international attention. Thus, studying China's national image as reported by international media becomes particularly important. For a long time, China's image has been no more than lucid. Opinion polling is a special form of international news reporting that provides rich and objective information for us to examine a country's national image. We analyzed the content of international media coverage of public opinion polls about China from 1979 to 2009. Results show that news coverage of polls about China increased over the past 30 years. Our analysis also finds that the topics and tones of news coverage of polls about China changed over this period. Media from different areas tended to focus on different aspects of polls about China and employed different tones in reporting polls about China. Media from Hong Kong and Macau and the Western media were more interested in China's internal issues than media in other areas. Media from Hong Kong and Macau were also more likely to employ favorable tones toward China than media from other areas. In addition, media from Hong Kong and Macau were more likely to include methodological information of polls in the coverage of poll stories about China than media from other areas. Implications were also discussed.


溫乃楠、郝曉鳴、魏然(2014)。〈國際新聞中的「中國形象」:與中國相關的民意調查的新聞報導〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第30 期,頁71–95。

Citation of this article:

Wen, N., Hao, X., & Wei, R. (2014). China's image: International news coverage of China-related opinion polls. Communication & Society, 30, 71–95.
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