October  2014 30
研究論文Research Articles
中國大陸與台灣地區文化創意產業園區公 私協力夥伴關係之比較研究
A Comparative Study on Cultural and Creative Industry Center
作者 邱琪瑄、蕭穎、陳耀竹
Author Vicki Chihsuan CHIU, Xanthe HSIAO, Yaw-Chu CHEN
關鍵詞 文創園區、公私協力、華山、798
Keywords Cultural and Creative Industry Center, Public Private Partnerships, Huashan Cultural and Creative Industry Center, 798 Art Zone
摘要 海峽兩岸政府近年來將文化創意產業園區列為重點發展項目,此外,公私協力關係漸成為政府治理的未來趨勢。本研究以文化園區以及公私協力相關理論為基礎,運用階段性公私協力模式,對華山園區與798藝術區的公私協力關係進行個案分析,通過問卷獲得兩岸專家意見,透過比較研究,得出以下結論:華山園區與798藝術區的公私協力合作在策略規劃、協力發展、協力執行和評估等各階段的公私協力要素皆有明顯差異,亦相互有借鑒作用。
Abstract This paper compares the Huashan Cultural and Creative Industry Center and the 798 Art Zone public private partnerships (PPPs) and the differences in their development, the impact, and accomplishments. This paper also compared the elements, outsourcing management, and PPPs situation in both sides. Based on the related literature on Cultural and Creative Industry Center and PPPs, this study applied expert's questionnaire to collect experts' opinion in both Taiwan and Mainland China on the key elements of executing PPPs successfully and the implementation of the PPP model at the Cultural and Creative Industry Center. From March to May 2013, we collected 10 questionnaires in Taipei and 12 questionnaires in Beijing from officers, center managers, and scholars. We observed significant differences between PPP strategic planning, development, execution and evaluation at the Huashan Cultural and Creative Industry Center and the 798 Art Zone.


邱琪瑄、蕭穎、陳耀竹(2014)。〈中國大陸與台灣地區文化創意產業園區公私協力夥伴關係之比較研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第30 期,頁27–69。

Citation of this article:

Chiu, V. C., Hsiao, X., & Chen, Y. C. (2014). A comparative study on cultural and creative industry center's public private partnerships between Taiwan and Mainland China. Communication & Society, 30, 27–69.
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