July  2016 37
傳播論壇Communication Forum
Ethnic Minorities and Chinese Peasants in China: A Case Study of the Documentary “A Bite of China”
作者 盧垚
Author Yao LU
關鍵詞 國家、少數民族、農民、紀錄片
Keywords state, ethnic minorities, peasants, documentary
摘要 紀錄片《舌尖上的中國》是CCTV推出的以展現傳統中國食物製作過程為主題的紀錄片。相較於第一季而言,第二季將鏡頭更多地轉向了鄉村空間少數民族和城市空間中國農民。因此對鄉村少數民族群體的生活方式和農民進入城市後生活方式的展現便成了本文考察的重點。本文擬從三個維度進行討論,首先通過對保存程度較高的少數民族特色美食製作方式的展現,表現出了「國家」敘事下基於民族主體性的自我認同。而漢族知青角色的引入,作為毛時代民族團結、民族平等的政治實踐與少數民族一起完成了對中國的政治理解與國家認同的文化書寫;其次,該片展現了中國鄉村在城市化進程中的付出與代價,兩代農民工在城市的遭遇與改變命運的幻象,並試圖將傳統飲食製作方式所隱含的親情、師徒情作為兩代進城「農民」的代際紐帶與傳統延續實現農民「鄉愁」的具體路徑;第三,前工業時代的農業和資本虎視眈眈的鄉村如今已然成為城市中產階級釋放壓力的「一日遊」去處與可供購買消費的對象,而作為一個在「國家– 資本」的夾縫中取得巨大成功的文化文本,紀錄片未來的發展並不樂觀。
Abstract The China Central Television (CCTV) recently launched "A Bite of China", a documentary series that reveals the processing and cooking of traditional Chinese cuisine. The series has enjoyed tremendous success both at home and abroad. The second season of the series also enjoyed record-high domestic audience ratings and was released overseas. The second season shifts its focus to the ethnic minorities living in rural areas and the farmers living in the cities of China. This study thus focuses on the lifestyle of rural ethnic minorities and the farmers entering the cities.

This article examines three dimensions of the topic. First, through representing the preservation of a relatively high degree of ethnic characteristics in the food production of ethnic minorities, it reveals the identification based on ethnic subjectivity under the state narrative. Based on it, the documentary introduces the role of the Han educated youth, as the political practice of national unity and equality in the Mao era, have been completed the political understanding and the cultural writing of the national identity. Secondly, the documentary shows the pay and the cost of Chinese village under the urbanization. Third, rural areas, which are hunted by the pre-industrial era of agriculture and capital with covetousness, seemed to have become "one-day village tour" destinations, which provide relaxation and recreation for the urban middle class and offer objects and goods that can be purchased for consumption. Nevertheless, though the second season of "A Bite of China" has been a huge commercial success, the future development of similar documentaries will never set the capital aside.


盧垚(2016)。〈紀錄片中的中國少數民族和中國農民—以《舌尖上的中國》第二季為例〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第37 期,頁191–223。

Citation of this article:

Lu, Y. (2016). Ethnic minorities and Chinese peasants in China: A case study of the documentary "A Bite of China". Communication & Society, 37, 191–223.
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