October  2014 30
社會學視角下的傳媒研究: 新聞、民主及其未來
Communication Study from a Sociological Perspective: Journalism, Democracy and its Future
作者 對談人:邁克爾.舒德森、黃煜 翻譯、編校:黃煜、宋韻雅、徐來
Author Discussants: Michael SCHUDSON, Yu HUANG Translators, Editors: Yu HUANG, Yunya SONG, Lai XU
摘要 「理論很美,卻不是真理。理論只是組織真理的一種方式。所謂的真理就是,要努力了解這個世界,繪出你的所見,釐清現實事物是如何運轉的。這很難,也很有趣,值得我用一輩子去探索。」
Abstract In 2009, Michael Schudson published “The Reconstruction of American Journalism” with Leonard Downie Jr. on Columbia Journalism Review, with analysis and suggestions on the status quo of American Journalism, which had garnered worldwide attention and caused strong repercussions. In this interview, Schudson reviewed the investigation process, shares changes in the “new journalism ecosystem”, and reiterates the necessity of setting up the government funding for American newspapers. In addition, Schudson, who has created a social research path in journalism history, shares his intellectual experience in the study of media and democracy, looking back to the traditional division of Communication studies and forward to the future of journalism research. He calls for the researchers to face the limitations of theories, always keep refining our concepts in scholarly advancement.


黃煜(編)(2014)。〈社會學視角下的傳媒研究:新聞、民主及其未來〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第30 期,頁1–26。

Citation of this article:

Huang, Y. (Ed.). (2014) Communication study from a sociological perspective: Journalism, democracy and its future. Communication & Society, 30, 1–26.
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