July  2016 37
研究論文Research Articles
Dialect Program and the Local Media Politics of Mainland China in the New Era: The Case of “Baixiao Talking Show”
作者 莊梅茜
Author Meixi ZHUANG
關鍵詞 溫州方言、節目意識形態、市場、地方媒體
Keywords Wenzhou dialect, ideology of TV program, market, local media
摘要 本文採用半結構化訪談與文本分析法,以溫州電視台《百曉講新聞》(《百》)節目為例,討論大陸威權體制下的方言節目如何在權力與資本夾縫中塑造去政治化的地方公共性。針對方言節目背後的文化政治,本文提出三個問題:第一,《百》是如何興起的?第二,《百》的報導展示出了怎樣意識形態?第三,《百》構建了怎樣的公共空間?本文認為,大陸方言節目既不是地方主義反抗中央威權的工具,也不是中央與地方之間的政治傳送帶, 而是國家放鬆管制、地方認同複歸、市場邏輯深化與本土媒體行動互相作用的產物。
Abstract Using the dialect program "Baixiao Talking Show" (BTS) as a case study, the paper aims to analyze how the Chinese dialect programs strive to create an apolitical local public space at a time when the state's power and the market logic prevail. To understand the cultural politics of the dialect program BTS, this paper asks three questions. Firstly, how did BTS rise to power in the local media market? Secondly, what is the ideology of BTS? Thirdly, what kind of public sphere has been created by BTS? By using the research methods of semi-structured interviews and textual analysis, this research found that BTS does not establish a "localism vis-a-vis nationalism" relationship with the party-state hegemony, nor is it a transbelt between the center and the local. The paper concludes that the orchestration of state deregulation, returning localism, ongoing marketization, and local media development together give rise to the popularity of dialect programs in contemporary China.



Citation of this article:

Zhuang, M. (2016). Dialect program and the local media politics of Mainland China in the new era: The case of "Baixiao Talking Show". Communication & Society, 37, 161–189.
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