January  2015 31
傳播論壇Communication Forum
New Media Research at a Crossroads: Predicaments and Solutions
作者 魏然
Author Ran WEI
關鍵詞 新媒體、學科建制發展、新媒體研究意義、研究困境、可持 續性研究
Keywords new media, disciplinary growth, research dilemma, sustainable research
摘要 隨著新媒體技術的快速發展,與新媒體息息相關的各個領域出現了日新月異的變化。新媒體在海外學術界已經成為了熱點關注課題,是社會科學研究的顯學。在科技推動經濟發展、促進創新與加快社會轉型的新時代,新媒體研究的重要性不言而喻。本文旨在探討新媒體的本質和理論價值,並分析當前新媒體研究的前沿課題和研究的困境。目前新媒體研究有三個主要困境:一是理論性弱(atheoretical),二是缺乏歷史感(ahistorical),三是缺乏脈絡(context-free)。通過對這些問題的深度分析,本文對未來的新媒體研究提出具體的研究方向和建議。
Abstract Rapid advances in new communication technologies have paved the way for an abundance of new applications and services. Corresponding with this growth, new media research in Western countries has moved to center stage in the study of mass communication. New media research is even touted as a new discipline in the social sciences. With new media’s critical role in enhancing economic growth, in fostering innovation, and in triggering social change, the extensive scholarly attention paid to new media is understandable. In this essay, I make a plea for applying some brakes on fast-moving new media research. Analyzing fundamental problems in the field, I find that we face three predicaments: (1) atheoretical, (2) ahistorical, and (3) context-free research. I argue that new media research, no matter how fashionable, cannot be sustained unless we solve the three predicaments.


魏然(2015)。〈新媒體研究的困境與未來發展方向〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第31 期,頁221–240。

Citation of this article:

Wei, R. (2015). New media research at a crossroads: Predicaments and solutions. Communication & Society, 31, 221–240.
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