January  2015 31
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
增強香港男同性戀者的意知行: 以恐懼訴求推廣安全套以預防性病的 網絡微電影
Augmenting Cognitive, Emotional and Behavioral Effects with Fear: An Internet-Based Microfilm to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Hong Kong
作者 李賴俊卿
Author Annisa Lai LEE
關鍵詞 恐懼訴求、健康信念模式、互聯網微電影、性病愛滋病、公 共衛生安全套干預措施
Keywords fear appeal, health belief model, microfilm on internet, AIDS/HIV/ STDS, public health condom intervention
摘要 本研究旨在製作一部在互聯網播放的微電影,在男同性戀者中有效推廣安全套的使用,以預防性病。研究的第一階段是用恐懼訴求製作一部微電影。電影劇本和製作是根據三輪焦點小組訪談得出的男同性戀者在身體生病及心理上對失去人際關係的恐懼感和孤獨感各層面的恐懼元素。研究的第二階段是在網上發佈這部電影,並讓男同性戀者在觀影後回答一份問卷,以測量電影引起的恐懼對行為改變的影響力。結果顯示,電影有效地促進了觀眾在認知、情感和行為層面的改變。相關性分析顯示,影片引起的恐懼情緒和產生對感染性病的恐懼、對性病的自覺罹患性和自覺嚴重性、獲取性病知識的意願以及在肛交時堅持使用安全套的意願具有顯著相關。多元迴歸分析顯示,感到驚嚇強有力地預測了堅持使用安全套和接受愛滋病病毒抗體測試兩種行為。這些發現顯示,結合健康信念模式和恐懼訴求進行傳播的理論模型並不一定適當,恐懼才是導致行為改變的最重要因素。
Abstract The objective of this study is to produce an online microfilm to effectively promote condom use among MSM (Men having Sex with Men) for the prevention of STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). The first phase of this study is to develop a short film with fear appeal. The script and production of the film was based on three rounds of focus groups that identified the physical and psychological dimensions of fears relevant to the MSM group. The second phase of this study is to launch this fear packed film online and a post-viewing questionnaire was conducted among MSM to gauge the effectiveness of fear, in the context of the health belief model. The results show that the film is very effective in inducing cognitive, emotive and behavioral changes. Among 50 MSM viewers, many felt scared (66%), worried (64%), panicky (56%) and anxious (52%) after viewing the film. Cognitively, 92% of viewers believed that they had gained knowledge of toward syphilis and genital warts. Behaviorally, 78% of viewers would be more likely to use condom use consistently (78%), take up HIV antibody testing (60%), and maintain a single sexual partner (56%). Comparing with the results obtained by the baseline questionnaire, percentages with increased perceived severity and, perceived susceptibility were respectively 36%, and 58%. The correlation analysis show that fear arousal is associated with more likelihood to feel scared of having the disease, perceived susceptibility and severity of contracting STDs, gaining knowledge towards STDs and consistently using condoms during anal sex. Regression analysis further shows that feeling scared is a strong predictor with direct effect on using condoms during anal sex consistently and testing for HIV. Overall, the linkages among perceived susceptibility, perceived severity and behaviors variables are non-existent, posing a challenge to the health belief model using fear appeal—maybe a strong fear is simply an overwhelmingly irrational force that can impact behaviors directly.


李賴俊卿(2015)。〈增強香港男同性戀者的意知行:以恐懼訴求推廣安全套以預防性病的網絡微電影〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第31 期,頁189–219。

Citation of this article:

Lee, A. L. (2015). Augmenting cognitive, emotional and behavioral effects with fear: An internet-based microfilm to prevent sexually transmitted diseases among men who have sex with men in Hong Kong. Communication & Society, 31, 189–219.
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