January  2015 31
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
全民健保 vs. 弱勢族群: 一個政策宣導的傳播觀點與實踐
Health Insurance vs. Minority Populations: A Communication Perspective and Practice in Relation to Policy Campaigns
作者 盧鴻毅
Author Hung-Yi LU
關鍵詞 全民健保、弱勢族群、社區健康傳播
Keywords health insurance, minority population, community-based health communication
摘要 本研究共分兩階段,第一階段先透過深度訪談方式,瞭解台灣地區弱勢族群全民健保資訊的需求為何?為此,本研究針對來自台灣北、中、南及東部四個地理區域的32位弱勢族群受訪者進行深度訪談,發現他們最想瞭解「健保費用」、「健保福利」及「全民健保經營」等議題的內容,且渴望全民健保的宣導內容以簡易為要,期能重返以人際傳播管道為主的宣導策略;至於本研究的第二階段主要針對第一階段的訪談結果,發展適合弱勢族群的全民健保宣導策略,並經社區介入實際運作,再針對8位參與宣導活動的社區民眾進行深度訪談,受訪者強調,本研究針對全民健保宣導所進行的社區介入活動,兼具知識性與娛樂性,並融入社區文化的敏感度,讓全民健保相關資訊變得簡單易懂,有助弱勢族群對於全民健保制度的瞭解。
Abstract There are two phases in this study. The first phase attempts to employ a qualitative study in an attempt to investigate needs in relation to health insurance information among minority populations in Taiwan and their preference of information communicative strategies. Thirty-two participants from four geographic areas (north, central, south and east Taiwan) in Taiwan were recruited to participate in the face-to-face interview. The finding of the study showed that participants inclined to know more about health insurance premium rate, health insure welfares, and health insurance management. They preferred easy-to-understand information and interpersonal communication channels were ranked as more appropriate venues for imparting information regarding health insurance. Based on the findings of this study, the aim of the second phase is to design and conduct a community-based intervention in order to enhance understanding about health insurance policies among such populations. Eight participants in the community were then recruited to help researcher evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. The findings showed that the entertainment-and-message-oriented community intervention was appreciated by participants. In particular, culture sensitivity and easy-to-know message would have a significant influence on the effectiveness of such an intervention.


盧鴻毅(2015)。〈全民健保 vs. 弱勢族群:一個政策宣導的傳播觀點與實踐〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第31 期,頁123–154。

Citation of this article:

Lu, H.-Y. (2015). Health insurance vs. minority populations: A communication perspective and practice in relation to policy campaigns. Communication & Society, 31, 123–154.
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