July  2016 37
研究論文Research Articles
The Rights and Wrongs of Media Multitasking: Social Well-Being, Social Capital, Peer Acceptance, and Social Success Perspectives
作者 陳憶寧
Author Yi-Ning Katherine CHEN
關鍵詞 同儕接受、社會成功、社會資本、幸福感、媒體多工
摘要 本研究旨在檢視媒體多工的影響,並探討一般傳統媒體使用、新媒體使用、面對面溝通與幸福感、社會資本、社會成功、同儕壓力的關係。本研究隨機抽出台灣台北市五所公私大學,分別於課堂上發放問卷,獲得有效樣本共654份。研究發現影音、電玩、通訊使用愈多,則媒體多工的程度愈高;閱讀/做功課與面對面愈多,則媒體多工愈少。在影響上,媒體多工對於幸福感沒有影響,但對於社會資本中的參與休閒活動面向以及同儕接受度有正相關。整體而言,本研究並沒有發現媒體多工的負面影響。但是值得注意的是在所有傳播工具中,面對面溝通的影響力。面對面溝通在幸福感會降低疏離感、增加親密感。在社會資本上,面對面溝通愈多,校園活動參與愈多、參與社交休閒活動愈多、人際關係愈佳。面對面溝通愈多,同儕接受度愈高,社會關係成功程度也愈高。
Abstract Given the rapid changes in the communication landscape brought about by Internet use, it is important to develop an understanding of these technologies and their impact on the younger generation. The purpose of the study is to examine the relationships between media multitasking, social well-being, and social capital. An in-class survey of 654 college students conducted in the spring of 2012 in five universities in Taipei, Taiwan examined the relationships between social well-being, social capital, peer pressure, social success, and media use—including watching videos, playing video games, listening to music, reading/homework, e-mailing/posting on social media sites, texting/instant messaging, and talking on phones/video chatting—and face-to-face communication. Regression analyses indicated that while social well-being was not associated with media multitasking, certain dimensions of social capital were positively associated with it. Peer acceptance was also positively correlated with media multitasking. Face-to-face communication was associated with positive social well-being, social capital, peer acceptance, and social success. The level of media multitasking was positively predicted by time spent on video and video games and negatively predicted by time spent on reading/homework. Our study hypothesizes possible causes for these relationships, calls for research designs to address causality, and outlines possible implications of such findings for the well-being, peer acceptance and social capital of younger adolescents.


陳憶寧(2016)。〈媒體多工的是與非:從幸福感、社會資本、同儕接受與社會成功來看〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第37 期,頁57–96。

Citation of this article:

Chen, Y.-N. K. (2016). The rights and wrongs of media multitasking: Social well-being, social capital, peer acceptance, and social success perspectives. Communication & Society, 37, 57–96.
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