January  2015 31
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
生活慣習、行為模式與健康傳播—— 以甘肅省武威市DF 和HY 社區為個案的 比較研究
Living Habits, Behavior Model, and Health Communication: A Comparative Study of Two Communities in Gansu Province
作者 闕岳
Author Yue QUE
關鍵詞 健康傳播、社區、傳播習性、生活慣習、行為模式
Keywords health communication, community, habitual nature, living habits, behavioral model
摘要 本研究透過參與觀察和深度訪談的方式,把健康傳播置於具體的社會空間裡加以模式化的結構分析和過程展現,探討不同社會群體的生活慣習和行為模式如何成為建構具有針對性的健康傳播模式的基礎。研究結果表明,健康傳播模式呈現的是被社會角色和健康認知定義的受眾群體接收健康信息的結構過程。一個有效的健康傳播模式即是對特定人群的一套生活方式、行為模式和文化價值觀的整體性表達。
Abstract The purpose of this study is to improve communication strategies for people of different socioeconomic status in the context of China’s dramatically changing macro-social environment. The research focuses on understanding the problem in the context of a particular time and space, specifically, the living habits of residents in two communities. The review of anthropological studies in the literature on health communication in communities yielded rich ethnographic details about their cultural practices and behaviors. We conducted a systematic observation of the communication between the two communities in order to determine the extent to which health information was conveyed. We attempted to link the larger issues of socioeconomic factors with the accessibility, affordability, and availability of health communication. The research findings contribute to previous observations and data in the literature by clarifying the structural components of the communication mechanism through which living habits and behavioral patterns are related to health communication among different groups of people. Specifically, the study investigated the relationships among folklore, traditional, and modern medicine, as expressed by the representative samples of two communities. This paper analyzed the participants’ narratives to provide valuable insights into how to develop better messages to improve health literacy and health behaviors. The time has arrived to begin thinking systematically about patterns of health communication. This study offered a broad framework, and the findings indicated two kinds of structural elements in health communication among different groups of people.


闕岳(2015)。〈生活慣習、行為模式與健康傳播—— 以甘肅省武威市DF和HY社區為個案的比較研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第31 期,頁95–122。

Citation of this article:

Que, Y. (2015). Living habits, behavior model, and health communication: A comparative study of two communities in Gansu Province. Communication & Society, 31, 95–122.
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