January  2015 31
社會轉型中的媒介研究: 資本主義、共產主義與媒體
Media Studies in Transitional Societies: Capitalism, Communism and Media
作者 對談人:柯林.斯巴克斯、黃煜、王海燕 翻譯、編校:徐來
Author Discussants: Colin SPARKS, Yu HUANG, Haiyan WANG Translator, Editor: Lai XU
摘要 「我常常發現,跟文化研究學者在一起時,我是一名傳播政治經濟學者;與傳播政治經濟學者在一起時,我又是一名文化研究學者;社會科學家聚集的地方,我成了人文學者;人文學者聚首之處,我又成為社會科學家。我不認為我可以被非常恰當地安放在某個學術框架類型當中。一些我寫的東西帶有很明顯的文化研究傳統,另一些則體現出社會科學的政治經濟學研究傳統。為什麼我非得歸屬於某一個學派呢?為什麼我得不是在這個學派中就得在那個學派中呢?它們僅僅只是看待社會現實的不同方式而已。」
Abstract In 1998, Colin Sparks published his famous work “Capitalism, Communism and the Mass Media”, which provided an important theoretical framework for the field of the political economy of communication. It has garnered worldwide attention till now. In this interview, Professor Sparks shared his intellectual experience especially his personal research transition from Cultural Studies following Stuart Hall to the study of political economy of communication, as well as his research interest and observations of what had happened in transitional societies such as the Central and Eastern Europe, Soviet Union and now, China. Revisiting to the theoretical framework he put forward 16 years ago, he had updated his understanding especially on the case of China and tried to develop a more general theoretical framework. Professor Sparks calls for the Chinese media researchers to pay more attention to the non-political aspects of Chinese journalism and ordinary Chinese journalists, which he thinks are much closer to the social changes taken place in China over the last 30 years and Chinese people’s real life.


黃煜、王海燕(編)(2015)。〈社會轉型中的媒介研究:資本主義、共產主義與媒體〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第31 期,頁1–38。

Citation of this article:

Huang, Y., & Wang, H. (Eds). (2015). Media Studies in Transitional Societies: Capitalism, Communism and Media. Communication & Society, 31, 1–38.
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