April  2015 32
研究論文Research Articles
大陸電視新聞收視率研究: 以城市電視台為例
Ratings Practice of TV News Coverage in China: An Ethnographic Research of City-Based Television
作者 林照真
Author Chao Chen LIN
關鍵詞 中國、收視率、電視台、商品、新聞
Keywords China, commodity, news, ratings, television
摘要 以「黨的喉舌」為主的「時政新聞」、以及與民眾生活有關的「民生新聞」,為中國城市新聞台的兩大主軸,都以收視率為成效檢驗標準。收視率在中國大陸產製電視內容時扮演的角色,則是本研究的重點。本研究採取參與觀察法與深度訪談法,以大陸某城市台的時政新聞節目與民生新聞節目各一為研究對象,並以一個禮拜的時間在電視新聞台內部進行民族誌的觀察與訪談。本研究發現,收視率為商業電視的衡量機制,已成為大陸各類新聞製作的重要指標,並且是衡量記者表現的標準;獲得收視率的社會新聞,並無法獲得第一線新聞工作者的認同。民生新聞因為積極追求收視率,竟能出現少數超出電視新聞報導限制的內容。
Abstract In Mainland China, news items regarding political parties and related to people’s lives are among the major contents of city–based television channels. Both of these kinds of television news programs are evaluated by ratings. This research tries to examine the role of ratings in the production of television news coverage in China. A political news program and a people’s daily lives news program were chosen as research objects from a certain city television news channel in China. Based on the participants’ observations and in-depth interviews, this paper argues that ratings are an indicator of commercial television but also a crucial one for China’s television industry regarding news production. Ratings are also criteria about the performances of journalists. Furthermore, sensational news can achieve ratings, but cannot result in the acceptance of news reporters. However, if presented with fewer restrictions, news related to people’s daily lives may allow for reports beyond the current limitations and expand the ratings for city-based television news in China.


林照真(2015)。〈大陸電視新聞收視率研究:以城市電視台為例〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第32 期,頁135–165。

Citation of this article: Lin, C. C. (2015). Ratings practice of TV news coverage in China: An ethnographic research of city-based television. Communication & Society, 32, 135–165.
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