April  2015 32
研究論文Research Articles
《蘋果日報》讀者的政治世界— 一個初探性研究
An Exploratory Study on the Political Views among the Readers of the Apple Daily
作者 陳品皓
Author Pin-Hao CHEN
關鍵詞 政治價值觀、選擇性接觸、政治效能感、《蘋果日報》
Keywords political values, selective exposure, political efficacy, Apple Daily
摘要 台灣社會的藍綠意識形態,充分地反映在民眾對於新聞媒體的選擇性接觸。在過往研究發現藍綠陣營民眾的確偏好選擇使用與自己政治立場相符的媒體之同時,我們忽略了為數眾多的《蘋果日報》讀者。藉由「台灣選舉與民主化調查」2010年直轄市市長選舉的民調資料,本研究企圖對《蘋果日報》讀者可能的特質和政治態度進行初步性的分析。同時,本研究也試圖探討台北市和高雄市的《蘋果日報》讀者有何異同。研究結果發現,選擇閱讀《蘋果日報》的受訪者較可能為男性、年紀較輕,並且統獨立場方面較不可能傾向台灣獨立。此外,台北市的《蘋果日報》讀者對於報紙選舉新聞注意程度較低。而高雄市政治效能感較低的受訪者,則較有可能選擇閱讀《蘋果日報》。
Abstract Among the Taiwanese populace, the degree of social cleavage that has resulted from the fierce partisan competition can be attributed to people’s choice of news media. While past studies have shown that many Taiwanese people tend to choose the news media whose content is consistent with their political beliefs, researchers inevitably ignore the readers of the Apple Daily, who are also significant in numbers and may have their own political views. Through the secondary analysis of the survey data from the 2010 Taiwan Election and Democratization Study, the aim of the current study was to explore the characteristics and political attitudes among the readers of the Apple Daily. In addition, the current study also attempted to explore the similarities and differences among the Apple Daily readers who reside in Taipei and Kaohsiung City. The result showed that those who choose to read the Apple Daily frequently tend to be young males, and they are less likely to support Taiwanese independence in terms of Taiwan’s relationship with China. For the Apple Daily readers who reside in Taipei City, they paid less attention to the election news than the readers of other newspapers. In Kaohsiung City, the lower the respondents’ sense of political efficacy, the more likely they are to choose to read the Apple Daily frequently.


陳品皓(2015)。〈蘋果日報讀者的政治世界—— 一個初探性研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第32 期,頁91–134。

Citation of this article:

Chen, P.-H. (2015). An exploratory study on the political views among the readers of the Apple Daily. Communication & Society, 32, 91–134.
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