April  2015 32
研究論文Research Articles
新媒體與科學傳播:「低碳生活部落格」 的內容與產製研究
New Media and Science Communication: An Analysis of Low Carbon Living Weblog
作者 李美華
Author Meihua LEE
關鍵詞 低碳生活部落格、全球暖化、氣候變遷、科學傳播、媒介框架
Keywords Low Carbon Living weblog, global warming, climate change, science communication, media frames
摘要 本研究採用內容分析法與深度訪談法,分析曾獲台灣2008年全球華文部落格大獎,以及年度最佳公益暨文教組織部落格首獎的網路新媒體「低碳生活部落格」所再現的全球暖化與氣候變遷主題、方向、消息來源、超連結、回應文、按讚次數等類目;並探討其組織運作。本研究呼應過去文獻,肯定「低碳生活部落格」對於全球暖化與氣候變遷此一科普議題的建構與傳播扮演重要角色;「低碳生活部落格」在組織運作、消息來源、與閱聽人互動等面向發揮網路新媒體的「常駐性」、「易於蒐尋」、「更新速度快」、「超連結」、「延伸閱讀」、「標籤雲」等特色與功能。推特(Twitter)及臉書(Facebook)是「低碳生活部落格」寫手們最常使用,也最依賴的網路社群媒體。未來研究可以從跨文化比較的角度,分析世界各國網路新媒體對於全球暖化及氣候變遷的議題再現,亦可從使用者端的角度分析,進一步探討網路科普傳播的趨勢及現象。
Abstract For a long time, the mainstream media have ignored science communication and failed to adequately cover scientific knowledge and information. Taking the coverage of global warming and climate change news in the Taiwanese mainstream media as an example, not only is the amount of reportage scarce, but the fact is that most coverage is adopted from western wire services, which makes the science news appear to be biased and lacking in local perspectives. However, in the internet era, many observers have asserted that the traditional, mainstream mass media have lost their position of privilege and have become less influential than the new media with respect to science communication.

In the current study, content analysis was applied to examine the characteristics of the posts for the renowned science blog, Low Carbon Living weblog, including types, tones, sources, media frames, reader comments, and hyperlinks. In-depth interviews were conducted of the administrators and post writers to assess the blog’s operation and management. The results indicated that Twitter and Facebook are the two major social media used by the blog’s writers. The results also indicated that the blog exhibits various characteristics of new media including interactivity, hypertext, and the keyword cloud, and has provided more in-depth perspectives about global warming and climate change than the traditional mass media. Suggestions for future research are provided and discussed.


李美華(2015)。〈新媒體與科學傳播:「低碳生活部落格」的內容與產製研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第32 期,頁59–90。

Citation of this article:

Lee, M. (2015). New media and science communication: An analysis of low carbon living weblog. Communication & Society, 32, 59–90.
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