April  2015 32
研究論文Research Articles
新興環境議題的媒體建構: 以台灣替代能源新聞報導為例
News Representation of Alternative Forms of Energy in Taiwan
作者 徐美苓
Author Mei-Ling HSU
關鍵詞 公民參與、內容分析、替代能源、新聞框架、新興環境議題
Keywords Alternative energy, content analysis, emerging environmental issue, news framing, public engagement
摘要 本研究從環境傳播的角度出發,透過對台灣各四家主流與另類媒體2009年8月9日至2011年底共1,953則的新聞內容分析,探討替代能源議題在新聞報導中的建構。研究結果發現:各媒體在提及能源類型、框架、引述消息來源等類別中有所不同。整體替代能源報導的數量雖不低,在提及可增進公眾議題參與的元素上卻相當不足,儘管另類媒體在此方面的表現有優於主流媒體的趨勢。除此,核能以外的再生能源報導所呈現的各公眾參與元素比例皆為最低,對照這些再生能源多以正向推動的框架再現於媒體中,突顯出台灣媒體為增加議題的關聯性,卻反可能弱化閱聽人對替代能源選擇的參與感。本研究就此結果發現提出未來延伸研究的建議。
Abstract From the perspective of environmental communication, this study aims to analyze and compare how issues related to alternative forms of energy were represented in the news. A quantitative content analysis was conducted on four mainstream and four alternative news media in Taiwan, respectively, from August 9, 2009 to the end of 2011, generating a total of 1,953 articles. In addition to exploring the energy types and quoted sources of the alternative energy-related issues and how they varied by media, the study analyzed the news frames and compared the differences among various alternative forms of energy. The study then went further to examine how the news media represented the mechanisms that could contribute to the public engagement in alternative energy-related issues and how they varied by media and energy type, respectively. Overall, great attention has been paid to issues related to alternative energy. Nevertheless, the news coverage was lacking in elements that could increase public engagement in the issues, especially the mainstream media. News coverage of non-nuclear forms of alternative energy was also lower in elements of public engagement than those of nuclear energy. As news related to non-nuclear forms of alternative energy was mostly framed in a positive and promotional fashion, the intention to increase its relevance to the audience might weaken the sense of public engagement in choosing between various forms of alternative energy. Based on the findings, the study ends with suggestions for future research directions.


徐美苓(2015)。〈新興環境議題的媒體建構:以台灣替代能源新聞報導為例〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第32 期,頁19–57。

Citation of this article:

Hsu, M.-L. (2015). News representation of alternative forms of energy in Taiwan. Communication & Society, 32, 19–57.
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