April  2015 32
Journalist Survey Studies and the Development Trend of Journalism
作者 對談人:大衛.韋佛、蘇鑰機
Author Discussants: David H. WEAVER, Clement, Y. K. SO
摘要 「我認為新科技對於記者來說亦敵亦友,但從總體上來說,我認為天秤是傾向於『敵』的一方。記者在日常工作中非常依賴互聯網和社交媒體,大多數記者都用這些新技術來查閱突發新聞,監測其他新聞機構的活動。但是用新技術來核實信息和採訪消息來源的記者就少得多,極少有人說社交媒體減少了他們的工作量、提升了他們的生產力、讓他們採訪更多的新聞或提高了他們的可信度。互聯網造成了美國大多數新聞機構的廣告收入大幅下降,進一步導致新聞從業者驟減,做深度及調查性報導的時間也被大幅壓縮。所以從總體上看,我認為新科技使美國和其他國家的高質量新聞減少了。」
Abstract David Weaver has been on the forefront and has contributed greatly to the study of American journalists for the past few decades, and he is also pivotal in coordinating the efforts to study journalists around the world. In this interview, Weaver reveals how and why he first started the survey on American journalists, the difficulties and changes in the process, as well as his observations on the changing landscape of American journalism since the 1980s. In comparing the journalistic scenes in different countries, he finds that the differences in journalistic practice are more prominent than the similarities. He further comments on the influence of new communication technology and market competition, the impact on media ethical standards, the threats to professional journalists, and the future of journalism. Weaver also suggests a few promising lines of study for journalism researchers.


蘇鑰機(編)(2015)。〈記者調查研究與新聞業的發展趨勢〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第32 期,頁1–17。

Citation of this article:

So, C. Y. K. (Ed.). (2015). Journalist survey studies and the development trend of journalism. Communication & Society, 32, 1–17.
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