July  2015 33
傳播論壇Communication Forum
媒體可信度研究: 起源,發展,機會和挑戰
Media Credibility Research: Origin, Development, Opportunity, and Challenges
作者 周樹華、閻岩
Author Shuhua ZHOU, Yan YAN
關鍵詞 信任、媒體信任、媒體可信度
Keywords trust, media trust, media credibility
摘要 媒體信任是社會信任的一種,是人們對媒體行為的預期。本文首先闡述信任的概念和信任的機制,然後界定媒體信任這一複合性概念,認為它是人們對新聞內容信任、新聞記者信任和新聞制度信任的總和。從產生方式而言,媒體信任可分為制度信任,屬性信任和過程信任。 本文進一步說明媒體信任與媒體可信度的區別,並在此基礎上綜合回顧了媒體可信度的研究方法、 標準和分類。其中,信源可信度、媒介可信度、資訊可信度和受眾特質是影響媒體可信度的四大影響要素,其各自的細分標準和研究維度我們在文中盡量充分討論。最後,我們對華語傳播界的媒體可信度研究進行總結,並對未來研究提出建議。
Abstract As a part of social trust, media trust depends on individual perceptions of media behavior. This paper first explicates the concept of trust and its mechanism and then defines the concept of media trust as a compound of trust in media content, media professionals, and media organizations. Trust originates within a system and depends on the latter's attributes and processes. This paper delineates the differences between media trust and media credibility before further synthesizing credibility research methods, criteria, and categorization. The four major factors are source credibility, medium credibility, content credibility, and audience attributes. The paper also reviews credibility research in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan before concluding with a discussion of the challenges and opportunities in this field.


周樹華、閻岩(2015)。〈媒體可信度研究:起源,發展,機會和挑戰〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第33 期,頁255–297。

Citation of this article:

Zhou, S., & Yan, Y. (2015). Media credibility research: Origin, development, opportunity, and challenges. Communication & Society, 33, 255–297.
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