July  2015 33
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
新聞倫理教育的困境: 大學生倫理觀與媒體表現評價的影響
Ethical Gaps in Journalism Education: How Journalism Students Perceive Journalistic Ethics and Media Performance
作者 蘇蘅
Author Herng SU
關鍵詞 媒介倫理、新聞專業、相對主義、理想主義、台灣
Keywords media ethics, professionalism, relativism, idealism, Taiwan
摘要 本研究主要探討台灣新聞傳播系大學生的新聞倫理教育--新聞倫理課程與媒體實習,對個人倫理觀、爭議性編採手法和媒體倫理表現的影響。研究以問卷調查進行,一共訪問1,666名就讀新聞傳播系的大一和大四學生。研究主要以個人倫理觀、新聞媒體實務的倫理難題、和媒體本身的倫理表現為基礎,探討這些因素如何影響學生的新聞倫理觀。另外也用理想主義和相對主義檢視學生對媒體實務倫理難題的看法。研究發現,新聞倫理課對倫理判斷的影響不大,反而媒體實習對倫理觀的影響比較重要;也發現學生抱持理想主義或相對主義倫理觀,會對媒體倫理表現產生不同評價;倫理觀不同,也使他們對採用爭議手法製播新聞有不同看法。
Abstract This study focuses on student's ethical ideologies and their recognition of ethics in journalism. The subjects of the research reported in this paper were 1,666 university students majoring in journalism or communication-related fields in Taiwan. The study found that in general the subjects in journalism and communication departments were not satisfied with media ethics or their performance. The results indicated that universal standards, or relativism, were associated with ethical ideologies and perceived importance of journalism ethics. However, in this context, a course in journalism ethics was not a significant predictor of agreement with ethical principles in the media. Ethical ideologies (idealism and relativism) were associated with the students' own ethical principles and norms of journalism ethics. The experience of internship in a newsroom was associated with the perceived justifiability of using questionable newsgathering methods. The study also explores key aspects of the construct of media ethics with the goal of laying the groundwork for future empirical investigations of the issues raised here.


蘇蘅(2015)。〈新聞倫理教育的困境:大學生倫理觀與媒體表現評價的影響〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第33 期,頁153–187。

Citation of this article:

Su, H. (2015). Ethical gaps in journalism education: How journalism students perceive journalistic ethics and media performance. Communication & Society, 33, 153–187.
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