July  2015 33
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
付費採訪與暗訪的認知正當化: 中國新聞人員對爭議性編採手法的態度
Justification of Deceptive Practices: Journalists' Attitudes towards Controversial Reporting Practices in Mainland China
作者 黃建友、張志安
Author Jianyou HUANG, Zhi'an ZHANG
關鍵詞 爭議性編採手法、新聞人員、新聞倫理
Keywords controversial reporting practices, journalists, journalism ethics
摘要 本研究主要探討中國大陸新聞人員對爭議性編採手法的態度、變遷與影響因素。研究採取問卷調查的方法,選擇大陸5家報業集團(報社)28家媒體機構新聞人員作為訪問對象,收回有效樣本2,109 份。研究發現,在中國大陸,付費採訪、暗訪、情景再現和偷拍偷錄等具有欺瞞性質的編採手法得到新聞人員的普遍認同(85.5%),尤其是付費採訪與暗訪,接受程度在90%以上,而這兩項恰恰是美國新聞人員最不能接受的,這體現出中美之間的巨大差異。把這一結果與之前的研究對比發現,大陸新聞人員對爭議性編採手法的接受程度大幅度提高。之所以出現這種狀況,可能與大陸媒介組織、社會機構、從業者社會關係、個人約束、市場經營等約束因素影響力減弱有關。研究顯示,加上人口變數和媒體類型,這些因素均與新聞人員對爭議性編採手法的態度顯著相關,這意味着在大陸社會與媒介轉型背景下,媒體可能有走向潰敗的危險。
Abstract This study examines journalists' attitudes towards controversial reporting practices, changes, and influencing factors in mainland China. Based on a survey of 2,109 journalists from five press groups (newspapers) and 28 media organizations, this study found that the attitudes of Mainland Chinese journalists changed significantly: Their acceptance of controversial reporting practices increased substantially. In particular, deceptive practices, such as paying for confidential information ("checkbook" journalism), claiming to be somebody else, using actors to re-create of news events, and using hidden microphones or cameras were highly accepted by the respondents (85.5%), Among these practices, paying for confidential information and claiming to be somebody else were the most prominent. More than 90 percent of journalists believed these practices were acceptable. Surprisingly, these two practices were reported as the most unacceptable by American journalists, which underlines the difference between journalistic practices in China the US. In addition, false reporting practices, including modifying news photos, being paid by sources, publishing without verification, and altering or fabricating information were relatively difficult for journalists to accept. Nonetheless, the degree of acceptance was 17.7%. "Aggressive reporting practices" appeared to be the most controversial one with an acceptance rate of 44.6%. These practices include being employed in a firm or organization to gain inside information, badgering an unwilling informant to get a story, using confidential documents without authorization, and using personal documents, such as letters and photographs, without permission. Moreover, the respondents appeared to be more tolerant of these practices than they were in the past. This finding may be significantly correlated with the weakening of constraints, such as on media organization, social institutions, social relation, social systems, and individual and market operations during social and media transitions. In other words, the weaker the effects of these factors on journalists, the more they are inclined to accept controversial reporting practices. These results indicate that the media in Mainland China may face the great risk of moving toward decay. The data analysis also showed that demographic variables, media category, and journalists' attitudes towards controversial reporting practices were significantly correlated. In particular, older journalists and woman were more reluctant to accept controversial reporting practices. It is noteworthy that, compared with the print media, journalists in online media were more tolerant of reporting practices that falsify news events.


黃建友、張志安(2015)。〈付費採訪與暗訪的認知正當化:中國新聞人員對爭議性編採手法的態度〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第33 期,頁119–151。

Citation of this article:

Huang, J., & Zhang, Z. (2015). Justification of deceptive practices: Journalists' attitudes towards controversial reporting practices in Mainland China. Communication & Society, 33, 119–151.
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