July  2015 33
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
「我們錯了」:中國式媒介更正與 致歉的政治社會學考察
“We Are Wrong”: Media Correction and Apology in China
作者 潘祥輝
Author Xianghui PAN
關鍵詞 我們錯了、中國語境、媒介更正、致歉、傳播倫理
Keywords “we are wrong,” Chinese context, media correction and apology, media ethics
摘要 本文旨在通過考察中國政治社會語境下媒體的道歉與更正行為,發掘中國媒體糾錯機制的內在邏輯及其複雜性。通過對一些媒體的更正和致歉內容的實證分析,本研究發現:主流媒體的更正以文字更正為主;「被動更正」佔主主導;雖有更正但很少解釋出錯的原因;更正內容避重就輕比較普遍。此外,媒體致歉的對象往往傾向於政府強勢部門而非普通受眾。與美國媒體的專業主義取向不同,中國媒體的更正與致歉不僅以法理、倫理及事實為準則,同時也受到權力場的強力干預,政府部門構成了最大的壓力集團。在特殊的政治社會語境下,中國式媒介更正與致歉內外有別:外部層面公開的更正與致歉有着強烈的選擇性,呈現出「儀式性自我批評」的特徵。而內部的道歉乃至檢討才是常態。這種中國特色的媒介更正與致歉體現的是一種尚未成型的媒介倫理。
Abstract This study focuses on media correction and apology in China. The aim of the study is to illustrate the logic and complexity of the error correction mechanism in the Chinese media. The empirical analysis of the content of corrections and apologies in some media showed the fooling results. First, the mainstream media in China were found to do more text correction and passive correction, offer fewer explanations of errors, and have a greater tendency to evade crucial points. Second, the objects of apology were governments rather than audiences. Third, unlike professional journalism in the US, correction and apology behavior in the Chinese media is often not only immoral and illegal but also politically motivated. Governments are usually the strongest sources of pressure. Under governmental pressure and market influence, the correction and apology behavior of the Chinese media differs between the private and public. Public correction and apology is optional and ritualistic. Private correction and apology, even internal reflection, is normal behavior.


潘祥輝(2015)。〈「我們錯了」:中國式媒介更正與致歉的政治社會學考察〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第33 期,頁49–83。

Citation of this article:

Pan, X. (2015). “We are wrong”: Media correction and apology in China. Communication & Society, 33, 49–83.
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