July  2015 33
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
數位匯流下的倫理自覺與抉擇: 以台灣電視記者引用新媒體素材為例
Ethical Reflection and Decisions in Digital Convergence: The Use of New Media Materials by Taiwanese TV Journalists
作者 劉蕙苓
Author Huei-Ling LIU
關鍵詞 數位匯流、新聞倫理、新聞查証、隱私權、策略性儀式
Keywords digital convergence, professional ethics, privacy, fact-checking, strategic ritual
摘要 數位匯流帶來新的倫理課題,記者如何在每日新聞產製中察覺反思倫理爭議、並採取合宜的倫理抉擇,影響着新聞的表現。本研究以質性研究深度訪談台灣的十七位電視新聞工作者,研究發現:(1) 台灣電視新聞大量依賴新媒體素材,產生的倫理爭議以疏於查証及侵犯隱私權最普遍;(2) 記者對這些倫理爭議雖然有所察覺與自省,卻在組織追求利潤的前提下,對採取的爭議性作為予以合理化;(3) 新聞工作者很少對保護隱私採取積極作為,對於新聞查証則是形式重於實質,宛如在倫理邊緣走鋼索。本研究並以布迪厄場域理論重新檢視策略性儀式,並指出因引用新媒體素材而生的策略性儀式可能影響記者在新聞場域中的慣習,鈍化倫理自覺的反思。
Abstract New ethical issues have been raised in the era of digital convergence. How do journalists perceive these ethical issues and make appropriate decisions based on them? Bourdieu's field theory is applied to explore the relations and interactions with individual journalists and news organizations when they are faced with ethical dilemmas. This qualitative study interviews 17 Taiwanese TV journalists to gather data on the following issues: First, the heavy reliance on new media materials in TV news productions causes ethical controversy, the most serious issues being the lack of fact-checking and intrusion into personal privacy. Second, in many cases, even though journalists perceive the seriousness of the ethical controversy, they rationalize their behavior in pursuit of higher ratings and profit. Third, journalists are rarely proactive in protecting the privacy of people who are involved in news, and in many cases, they do not fact check thoroughly. This study also revisits the "strategic ritual" initiated by Tuchman and finds that the use of new media materials has led to new strategic rituals in the newsroom, which has gradually influenced the habitus of journalism in Taiwan.


劉蕙苓(2015)。〈數位匯流下的倫理自覺與抉擇:以台灣電視記者引用新媒體素材為例〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第33 期,頁85–118。

Citation of this article:

Liu, H.-L. (2015). Ethical Reflection and decisions in digital convergence: The use of new media materials by Taiwanese TV journalists. Communication & Society, 33, 85–118.
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