April  2016 36
傳播論壇Communication Forum
The Track and the Prospect of Political Communication Research in Hong Kong
作者 徐來、黃煜
Author Lai XU, Yu HUANG
關鍵詞 香港、政治傳播研究
Keywords Hong Kong, political communication research
摘要 香港政治傳播研究具有自身獨特性與學術挑戰性。自上世紀八十年代發展至今,大體可劃分為三個時期:起步期、發展期與蓬勃期。本文圍繞每一時期香港政治傳播研究相關論著的內容進行「歷時性」的梳理分析,發現香港政治傳播研究始終與「新聞自由」、「權力重組」、「建構現實」等研究主題相聯繫,並伴隨香港社會政治情境的變遷,不斷湧現出新的研究重點與課題,近年的研究則圍繞社交媒體與政治參與及新社會運動展開。在研究中,香港政治傳播學界衍發出頗具操作性的中層概念或理論,如「傳媒的代議功能」、「非組織性集中化」、「文化共向」、「強化客觀性」、「迷糊策略」、「民意激蕩」、「新聞範式的更迭」等,這些概念或理論的提出,為建構更高層次的傳媒與政治互動模式提供了理念和實證的根據。鑒於政治傳播研究本身的開放性,方興未艾的香港政治傳播研究理應向著更多向度的研究角度邁進,在嶄新的媒體時代追尋更為深遠的學術價值與意義。
Abstract Political communication research in Hong Kong is unique and academically challenging because of the uniqueness of Hong Kong's political ecology. During the development of more than thirty years, the research can be divided by the Return of Hong Kong in 1997, the landmark event, into three periods—infancy, development, and the flourishing stage—each with different research focus and characteristics. The authors analyze the contents of Hong Kong political communication research papers from the 1980s to 2014, and find out that they have been focusing on the topics of "freedom of the press," "power restructuring," and "the construction of reality",and also derived new research topics from the social changes in Hong Kong, examining the "public opinion," the relationship between media representatives and social movements, news reports and Hong Kong's local awareness/interest, and so on. Recent researches are more related to social media, civic participation, and new social movements. Meanwhile, the openness of political communication has contributed to a more encouraging atmosphere for Hong Kong political communication researchers to explore at this stage, such as applying different social science research methods to political communication, expanding the research sphere, updating the research objects, and promoting research at much more extensive and deeper levels, with a view to achieve a greater and more profound academic significance in the new media age in Hong Kong.



Citation of this article:

Xu, L., & Huang, Y. (2016). The track and the prospect of political communication research in Hong Kong. Communication & Society, 36, 133–162.
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