April  2016 36
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
網路新聞與互動式敘事書寫: 從教學立場出發
News Narratives and Interactive News Writing: The Theory and Practice of Writing Interactive News
作者 李明哲
Author Ming Che LEE
關鍵詞 互動文本、網路新聞、數位敘事、數位新聞寫作
Keywords digital news writing, interactive news, news narratives, online news
摘要 互動式文本呈現被使用於網路新聞內文,已在全球各大網路新聞站網站蔚為風潮。本文從「互動式新聞寫作」教學實踐立場,聚焦於互動呈現機制與新聞文本之間的敘事性寫作關係,同時說明互動呈現機制如何可能來增益「敘事」這種特定的意義呈現模式。本文將說明互動機制內容呈現過程的「前後時間差」是「歷時性的」的文本結構,而文本結構中的「歷時性」是「敘事性」意義呈現模式的前題。
Abstract In recent years, interactive content has become part of the online news in almost all well-known international news websites. This paper focuses on the relationship between interactivity and narrative in writing better online news reports in digital interactive content. The paper argues that news reports are narratives and explains that the structure of digital interactive content has the potential to increase the meaning of news reports. The paper concludes that understanding the conditions in which digital interactive content is narrativized contributes to the use of interactive online news writing.


李明哲(2016)。〈網路新聞與互動式敘事書寫:從教學立場出發〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第36 期,頁105–131。

Citation of this article:

Lee, M. C. (2016). News narratives and interactive news writing: The theory and practice of writing interactive news. Communication & Society, 36, 105–131.
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