April  2016 36
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
新聞教育如何塑造不一樣的未來記者: 中國大陸與香港新聞學生對記者角色認知 的比較研究(2008–2014)
Journalism Education and Perceived Journalistic Roles of J-school Students: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong and Mainland China (2008–2014)
作者 鄧力
Author Li DENG
關鍵詞 新聞學生、記者角色認知、新聞教育、比較研究
Keywords J-school students, perception of journalistic roles, journalism education, comparative study
摘要 不同的社會、政治及文化環境中,不同的新聞教育體制會對新聞學生在職業方面的認知產生何種不同影響,從而塑造出不一樣的未來記者?本文對中國大陸與香港地區這兩個正在經歷轉型的社會環境之下的新聞學生的記者角色認知進行比較研究。本研究使用2008年與2014年兩次問卷調查的數據,來對比呈現兩地新聞學生對記者角色的認知及對新聞教育的評估之間差異及其變化。時隔六年,除「應和者」角色之外,兩地學生對其他五種記者角色即「資訊散佈」、「解釋政府政策」、「鼓吹民意」、「文化娛樂」、「對立」的看法更趨於一致,而兩地學生對開設課程的變化也有相似的評估。在不同類型的預測變量中,教育變量如對新聞教育目標的認知與對各類課程比重的認知等變量,個人變量如愛國觀念與各類政治新聞接觸等變量,對兩地學生的記者角色認知具有一定的預測能力。其中,兩地學生對「應和者」角色、對新聞教育是「為國家」培養人才與「愛國觀念」的認知,這三個變量在六年間的變化出現了較為一致的模式並存在相關關係。
Abstract As institutions of formal education, journalism schools (J-schools) play an important role in shaping students' professional ideas in addition to other factors such as the local journalistic culture. This study compares two sets of survey data that were collected from J-school students in mainland China and Hong Kong in 2008 and 2014 in order to investigate how journalists-to-be from different socio-political contexts perceive the role of their future profession. The comparison showed that the differences between the perceptions of students in mainland China and Hong Kong regarding journalistic roles and the courses offered in J-schools have narrowed during the past six years. By measuring students' perceptions of the role of journalists in a society, this study adds the role of consonance to those of interpreter, adversarial, populist mobilizer, disseminator, and provider of culture and entertainment. While both groups of students regarded the latter five journalistic roles as more important than the role of consonance, in 2014, the Hong Kong students rated the role of consonance significantly lower than the mainland China students did. Furthermore, students' personal media usage patterns and individual attitudes affected their perceptions of journalistic roles. The findings showed that in both groups of students, perceptions of the journalistic role of consonance, the degree of patriotism, and the nationalist aims of journalism all declined from 2008 to 2014.



Citation of this article:

Deng, L. (2016). Journalism education and perceived journalistic roles of J-school students: A comparative study of Hong Kong and Mainland China (2008–2014). Communication & Society, 36, 69–103.
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