April  2016 36
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
傳、幫、帶:民國新聞記者的職業社會化 與組織社會化—以《大公報》為例
The Mentoring Mode of “Chuan, bang, and dai”: The Professional and Organizational Socialization of Journalists in the Republic of China— A Case Study of Ta Kung Pao
作者 路鵬程
Author Pengcheng LU
關鍵詞 隱性知識、關係網絡、職業道德、倫理化的新聞專業主義
Keywords implicit knowledge, Guanxi, professional ethics, ethical professionalism of journalism
摘要 《大公報》通過傳遞新聞產制隱性知識,幫助建構新聞採訪關係網絡,帶動樹立新聞職業道德,不僅訓練出當行出色的報人,而且訓育出對報館忠誠不渝的同人,從而實現報人的職業社會化與組織社會化。新聞報館推行的充滿中國傳統倫理色彩的「傳幫帶」式的職業社會化、組織社會化模式與新聞院校高等專業教育式的職業社會化、組織社會化模式存在著複雜的互動關係。
Abstract This case study focuses on exploring how the newspaper Ta Kung Pao achieved the professional and organizational socialization of journalists by spreading tacit knowledge, building networks, and promoting the professional ethics of journalism. In the case study of Ta Kung Pao, the mentoring mode "chuan, bang, and dai" reflects Chinese traditional ethics. This pattern has influenced and restricted the efficiency and the effects of the professional and organizational socialization of journalists in newspapers published in the Republic of China. This study also reveals the complicated interactions between the traditional mode of journalism and the modern mode of journalism that is taught in contemporary tertiary educational institutions.


路鵬程(2016)。〈傳、幫、帶:民國新聞記者的職業社會化與組織社會化—以《大公報》為例〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第36 期,頁35–68。

Citation of this article:

Lu, P. (2016). The mentoring mode of "chuan, bang, and dai": The professional and organizational socialization of journalists in the Republic of China—A case study of Ta Kung Pao. Communication & Society, 36, 35–68.
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