April  2016 36
Professor Chia-Shih Hsu and Journalism and Communication Education
作者 對談人:黃煜、馮應謙、朱立、潘家慶、王石番、陳世敏、彭家發、汪琪
Author Discussants: Yu HUANG, Anthony Y. H. FUNG, Leonard CHU, Jia-ching PAN, Shih-fan Steve WANG, Shih-min CHEN, Chia-fa PENG, Georgette WANG
摘要 資深新聞教育大師、臺灣國立政治大學前新聞系主任徐佳士教授,於2015年12月22日辭世,享壽九十五歲。學界上下,一時聞者悲慟、緬懷不已。

徐教授「生於憂患、長於動亂的中國」。早年就讀於政大前身的中央政治學校新聞系、曾任南京《中央日報》記者、駐東北特派員、副總編輯。1955年赴美求學,受教於傳播研究先驅宣偉伯(Wilbur Schramm),獲明尼蘇達大學、史丹福大學傳播學碩士學位。返台後,1967年受邀擔任臺灣國立政治大學新聞系主任,至此先後出任政大文理學院院長、考試院考試委員、中華民國新聞評議委員會委員、行政院文建會委員及影劇傳播委員會委員兼召集人、國家文藝基金會董事等職。中西文明的洗禮、自由民主的薰陶、實踐工作的歷練,使其形成一套前瞻、創新的新聞教育理念,致力新聞教育十七年,春風化雨、桃李爭芳,不僅促使政大新聞傳播教育展開新的篇章,甚至影響到全台及其他華人地區大學相關教育的走向,為新聞教育界留下彌足珍貴的經驗與啟發。

Abstract Our journal, Communication and Society, aims not only to introduce new frontiers in communication research, but also to record important aspects of Chinese communication history. This special issue is dedicated to a major Chinese communication scholar, Professor Chia-Shih Hsu. He taught many well-known scholars in the field, including Leonard Chu, Georgette Wang, Shih-fan Wang, and Pan Jia-ching, all of whom have described Professor Hsu as both a freedom fighter and a gentle scholar. According to their writings, Hsu is a kind mentor who is always willing to guide young scholars, many of whom now embody Hsu's spirit and mission.

After resigning from Central Daily in the 1960s, Professor Hsu took up the position of Department Head of the Department of Journalism and the Graduate School of Journalism at the National Chengchi University in Taiwan. As a pioneering journalism educator, he founded the fundamental curriculum of journalism education. As a practitioner, he has always defended press freedom and advocated professionalism in journalism.

Professor Hsu was also a pioneer in localizing Western communication theories and communication models. Without his initial efforts, today's mature and established communication discipline in Chinese society would not have emerged. Nevertheless, despite decades of work by Hsu and his followers, Georgette Wang has shown that various forms of journalistic malpractice—sensationalism, invasion of privacy, and self-censorship, to name but a few—remain common. As communication technologies have advanced, journalistic values appear to have moved even farther away from the ideals upheld and promoted by Hsu.


黃煜、馮應謙、朱立、潘家慶、王石番、陳世敏、彭家發、汪琪(2016)。〈徐佳士教授與新聞傳播教育〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第36 期,頁1–30。

Citation of this article:

Huang, Y., Fung, A. Y. H., Chu, L., Pan, J.-C., Wang, S.-F., Chen, S.-M., Peng, C.-F. & Wang, G. (2016). Professor Chia-Shih Hsu and journalism and communication education. Communication & Society, 36, 1–30.
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