January  2016 35
研究論文Research Articles
A Rhetorical Analysis of Mainland Spouses’ Ethnic Media in Taiwan: A Case Study of the Mainland and Taiwan Family Forum
作者 陳宏
Author Hong CHEN
關鍵詞 兩岸通婚、陸配在臺居留政策、族群媒體、語藝分析
摘要 本研究目的在於探討臺灣的大陸配偶如何因應來自資本全球化、在地國族主義以及兩岸關係引發的社會排斥及壓力。基此,本研究擬以攸關陸配權益的「身份證取得年限6年改4年」議題為案例,採取Bormann的幻想主題語藝分析法,透過檢視臺灣最大的陸配族群媒體:「兩岸家庭論壇」對於該議題的相關討論,分析在公共視野中因遭邊緣化之故、能見度較低的陸籍配偶,藉族群媒體與接待社會的語藝互動過程,以及如何透過語言符號的使用,建構群體意識與符號真實,以達自我賦權之果效。
Abstract In Taiwan, cross-strait marriages suffer from social structural oppression by the host society. The transborder marriage is considered as a form of population migration, which contains the complex context of cross-strait relationships. The resulting stereotypes are early commodified transnational marriages, the discrimination of female social labor divisions, and the suspicion of threats to the national security of Taiwan.

The study analyzed the rhetorical themes and visions in the debate in the Mainland and Taiwan Family Forum about "whether the time limit for obtaining a Taiwanese ID card would be reduced from six years to four years."This issue concerns the human rights of mainland spouses as discussed in the ethnic media in Taiwan. The findings revealed that the users of ethnic media constructed a common rhetorical reality, which indicated the mainland the spouses' accurate perceptions about their situation in the population wave of globalization, their positive attitude to finding a solution to the predicament, and the use of a strategy to contend social structure and achieve self-empowerment by means of the ethnic media.


陳宏(2016)。〈陸籍配偶族群媒體之語藝分析:以臺灣「兩岸家庭論壇」為例〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第35 期,頁215–252。

Citation of this article:

Chen, H. (2016). A rhetorical analysis of Mainland spouses' ethnic media in Taiwan: A case study of the Mainland and Taiwan Family Forum. Communication & Society, 35, 215–252.
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