January  2016 35
研究論文Research Articles
From Lantern Slides to Cinema: In View of Visual Modernity
作者 唐宏峰
Author Hongfeng TANG
關鍵詞 影戲、電影、幻燈、視覺現代性、虛擬影像
Keywords Yingxi (shadow play), cinema, lantern slides, visual modernity, virtual image
摘要 本文對近代中國城市中的幻燈放映做考察,通過對晚清報刊中的放映廣告、觀眾的觀感文章與《點石齋畫報》圖像進行分析,指出幻燈作為近代最流行的視覺媒介之一,實乃電影之前史和同史,在同時代的觀者那裡,包括幻燈和其他各種風行的光學娛樂玩具在內的視覺文化是電影之出現的同質環境。研究多認為,對中國人來說電影作為一種全新的視覺技術帶來了嶄新的視覺體驗,是前所未有的視覺感受與沖擊。而實際上,若關注幻燈放映的歷史,就會看到一種類電影的視覺經驗在電影技術之前已經展開。幻燈與電影為中國觀眾提供了一種虛擬影像的美學,它們共同構成了中國視覺現代性的重要內容。
Abstract This essay reports a survey of lantern slide shows in late Qing China.Based on a detailed analysis of slide advertisements, journal reports, and images in the Dianshizhai Pictorial, I argue that the lantern slide show was one of the most popular modern visual tools and entertainments and should be included in the early history of cinema. Lantern slide shows provided a cinematic experience before the invention of cinema. These observations counter the opinion that cinema was a new technique that introduced the audience to a unique visual experience. In fact, both lantern slide shows and cinema projection provide the audience with an aesthetics of virtual images, which constitute a significant part of Chinese visual modernity.


唐宏峰(2016)。〈從幻燈到電影:視覺現代性的脈絡〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第35 期,頁185–213。

Citation of this article:

Tang, H. (2016). From lantern slides to cinema: In view of visual modernity. Communication & Society, 35, 185–213.
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