January  2016 35
研究論文Research Articles
A Study of Facebook Users’ Social Capital and Political Participation
作者 陳憶寧
Author Yi-Ning Katherine CHEN
關鍵詞 生活滿意度、社會信任、旺中案、政治參與、臉書使用
Keywords Facebook users, life satisfaction, online political participation, social capital, social trust
摘要 本研究意圖以社會資本角度檢視臉書使用者的網路政治參與,探討社交網站使用者的政治參與之潛在可能。旺中案爭議發生過程中,本研究透過網路問卷調查臺灣地區的613位臉書使用者。結果顯示,臉書使用程度的高低與生活滿意度、政治參與有正相關;政治興趣、政治知識與臉書友誼與政治參與也有正向關係。根據以上結果推論,臉書使用有助於較年輕的民眾的政治參與,可進一步促進臺灣公民社會的形成。
Abstract This study aimed to investigate the relationships among the online political participation of Facebook users from the perspective of social capital. We use the example of the controversial issue of the merger and acquisition of the Want Want China Times Group to determine whether social media use could have a positive function in enhancing the political participation of individuals. The results of an online survey conducted across Taiwan (N = 613) showed significantly positive relationships among Facebook use, life satisfaction, and political participation. Moreover, political interest, political knowledge, and friendship over Facebook all positively predicted political participation, suggesting that online social networks may be a solution for the disengagement of youth from civic duty and democracy.


陳憶寧(2016)。〈臉書使用者的社會資本及政治參與〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第35 期,頁141–183。

Citation of this article:

Chen, Y.-N. K. (2016). A study of Facebook users' social capital and political participation. Communication & Society, 35, 141–183.
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