January  2016 35
研究論文Research Articles
The Construction of Female Discourse in The Women, 1968–1978
作者 孫秀蕙、陳儀芬
Author Hsiu-hui SUN, I-fen CHEN
關鍵詞 女性論述、理想女性、自由主義女性主義、《婦女雜誌》
Keywords female discourse, ideal woman, liberal feminism, The Women
摘要 本文透過文本分析研究臺灣1968-1978年《婦女雜誌》如何建構女性論述,並觀察論述建構的政治及社會文化脈絡。研究結果發現,《婦女雜誌》中有兩種互為鬥爭的女性論述:一是主流的理想女性論述,主張理想華人女性應以追求賢妻良母的目標,即使進入職場也不例外;二是另類的自由主義女性主義論述,以爭取人權為口號,主張重新詮釋歷史,挑戰儒家思想,以兩性平等為論述基調,在家庭以外發揮所長。這兩種女性論述的權力抗衡具體說明了1970年代臺灣女性的兩難困境。
Abstract The present study conducts a textual analysis of issues of The Women magazine published from 1968 to 1978, to observe the construction of female discourse and to examine it in the political, social, and cultural context. Two competing discourses were found in The Women magazine: the mainstream discourse of the ideal Chinese woman, and the alternative discourse of liberal feminism. The former discourse aimed at formulating the dominant discourse of the ideal Chinese women, asserting that Chinese females should pursue the goal of being good wives and loving mothers, including career women. The latter discourse called for human rights and gender equality by re-interpreting history, challenging Confucianism, and arguing that women should be able to develop freely and fully outside the family. Based on the results of the analysis, the study concludes that the conflict between these two competing female discourses represents the dilemmas and difficulties involved in being a Taiwanese woman at that time.


孫秀蕙、陳儀芬(2016)。〈1968–1978 年臺灣《婦女雜誌》的女性論述建構〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第35 期,頁57–100。

Citation of this article:

Sun, H.-H., & Chen, I.-F. (2016). The construction of female discourse in The Women, 1968–1978. Communication & Society, 35, 57– 100.
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