January  2016 35
The Political Economy of Media as a Critical Approach
作者 對談人:珍妮特.瓦斯科、徐亞萍 / 翻譯、編校:徐亞萍
Author Discussants: Janet WASKO, Yaping XU / Translator, Editor: Yaping XU
摘要 「我認為,一旦提及政治經濟學,電影的、媒介的、傳播的政治經濟學,一般指的是某種批判的視角。它吸收了馬克思、法蘭克福學派等批判理論。它至今有了很大發展,很多人都在使用這一路徑。所以談及媒介政治經濟學研究的時候,我覺得基本上都是某種批判研究。雖然媒介經濟學、不同版本的產業研究也在發展,但它們並不一定是批判的。事實上,要是你對媒介持批判態度,你可能會說自己所持的是政治經濟學的研究視角。針對產業也有其他類型的研究,它們大多吸收了新自由主義經濟學者的路徑,多半和現狀和諧共存,所以它們展示的是不同的視角。對於政治經濟學而言,我們研究甚麼呢?我們研究媒介產業、企業、商品的生產等等。所以我們通常會聚焦於主流、核心、掌控者。我們關注這些是因為我們想知道如何理解權力,這是一個非常重要的概念。因為我們想探索為甚麼媒介鮮有多樣性,比如電影。我們也試圖質疑為甚麼所有產品都面向商業目的去定位。我們還有志於推動某些另類模式、獨立模式的發展。」
Abstract Professor Janet Wasko is the Knight Chair in Communication Research at the School of Journalism and Communication in the University of Oregon. She is also the president of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). Prof. Wasko has been greatly involved in forming the tradition and the scholarly community of the political economy of communication, particularly working in the realms of the American film industry and Disney corporation studies.

Prof. Wasko worked with Thomas Guback—one of the pioneers of doing political economy studies on the film—at the University of Illinois and received her doctoral degree after submitting the dissertation Relationships Between the American Motion Picture Industry and Banking Institutions, which was published as the monograph Movies and Money: Financing the American Film Industry (1982) later. After that, Prof. Wasko continued researching the film industry and published a number of influential books, including How Hollywood Works (2003), Understanding Disney: The Manufacture of Fantasy (2001), Hollywood in the Information Age: Beyond the Silver Screen (1994), etc.


徐亞萍(編)(2016)。〈作為批判研究的媒介政治經濟學〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第35 期,頁1–25。

Citation of this article:

Xu, Y. (2016). The political economy of media as a critical approach. Communication & Society, 35, 1–25.
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