October  2015 34
研究論文Research Articles
新國家形象抑或新文化建設? —— 支持性與代言性框架視角下的中國第一夫人報道研究
New National Image or New Cultural Building? Media Reports on First Lady Liyuan Peng—Between Support and Spokesperson Frames
作者 李紅艶、劉碧瑤
Author Hongyan LI, Biyao LIU
關鍵詞 第一夫人、支持性框架、代言性框架、新文化建設、新國家形象
Keywords first lady, spokesperson frames, supportive roles, new cultural construction, new national image
摘要 自彭麗媛作為國家主席夫人亮相世界外交舞台以來,她的靚麗外表吸引了國內外民眾和媒體的廣泛關注。2012年新華通訊社首次使用「第一夫人」這一稱謂,以此凸顯新一屆政府與民眾關係的新起點。與此同時,官方媒體還公開了二人的家庭、婚姻生活、個人成長經歷等信息。與國外媒體關於「第一夫人」的報道框架不同,指出中國「第一夫人」的媒介報道,無論是在彭麗媛成為「第一夫人」之前,還是在她成為「第一夫人」之後,支持性框架和代言性框架均較為顯著,而對彭麗媛外表角色的關注,即禮儀性框架,在她成為「第一夫人」之後有突出的報道呈現,上述媒介報道的特點又與新一任國家領導人所倡導的國家新形象和新文化建設關係密切。就代言性框架而言,「第一夫人」的彭麗媛以中國本土化的服飾品牌、展示中國藝術形式等交流方式,在全球化的政治格局中無形中成為中國文化、政治、民眾和傳統的代言人。
Abstract Since Liyuan Peng was thrust onto the world diplomatic stage, her stylish appearance has attracted the attention of the media both at home and abroad. The official Chinese media, Xinhua Agency, called her the First Lady in 2012 and ushered in a new era in the relationship between the central government and its citizens. In its news coverage, Xinhua Agency has featured information about the family life and personal experience of Jinping Xi and his wife Liyuan Peng. Contrary to the established frames used in covering First Ladies in Western countries, the frames used by the Chinese media covering Liyuan Peng are mainly two-fold: in a supportive role and as a spokesperson. An analysis of the first frame portrays Xi and Peng as tending to cooperate with each other for image improvement while the spokesperson frame shows the media's inclination toward associating the personal image of Jinping Xi and LiyuanPeng with the national image. These two frames are concerned with the building of a new national image and new cultural ideologies.


李紅艶、劉碧瑤(2015)。〈新國家形象抑或新文化建設? —支持性與代言性框架視角下的中國第一夫人報道研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第34 期,頁185–213。

Citation of this article:

Li, H., & Liu, B. (2015). New national image or new cultural building? Media reports on first lady Liyuan Peng—between support and spokesperson frames. Communication & Society, 34, 185–213.
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