October  2015 34
研究論文Research Articles
“Southern Bi-Weekend”: “Worker-tizen Journalism”,Critical Media Literacy, and Communication Empowerment
作者 邱林川
Author Jack Linchuan QIU
關鍵詞 參與式行動研究、批判媒介素養、發展新聞學、新聞教育、 傳播賦權
Keywords participatory action research, critical media literacy, developmental journalism, journalism education, communication empowerment
摘要 工人與新聞媒體如何發生關聯?何為「工民新聞」?如何在基層工人中利用參與式行動研究開展批判媒介素養活動?本文介紹深圳工業區的一個工友新聞興趣小組,其活動包括剪報、座談、新聞採編等多種豐富的「工民新聞」形態,以達到傳播賦權目標。之所以叫「南方兩週末」是因為工人們隔週在週末舉行活動。本文通過回顧該新聞興趣組的實踐情況,聯繫參與行動、批判媒介素養、發展新聞學等方面研究傳統,反思涉及的問題與影響賦權效果的因素。文章還將集中回顧三個真實的活動環節,分別涉及工友發聲、工人新聞的發展、以及與商業媒體的互動,並在此基礎上總結該參與式行動研究項目的經驗教訓,供未來借鑑。
Abstract How do workers relate to news media? What is "worker-tizen journalism"? How can participatory action research and critical media literacy activities be carried out among workers at the grassroots level? This article introduces a workers' news study group located in an industrial district of Shenzhen, South China, where factory workers were organized to do news clippings, group discussions, as well as content production and distribution for the goal of communication empowerment. The study group is called "Southern Bi-Weekend" because workers gathered every other weekend. Activities of this project are introduced, its methodological issues discussed, especially regarding participatory action research, critical media literacy, and developmental journalism. The three focal points of discussion are the workers' voices, the growth of workers' news, and their interaction with commercial media, leading to general lessons learned for similar projects in the future.

邱林川(2015)。〈「南方兩週末」:工民新聞、批判媒介素養與傳播賦權〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第34 期,頁151–184。

Citation of this article:
Qiu, J. L. (2015). "Southern Bi-Weekend": "Worker-tizen journalism", critical media literacy, and communication empowerment. Communication & Society, 34, 151–184.
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