October  2015 34
研究論文Research Articles
A Dual Model of Post-Adoption Intentions to Use Facebook Fan Pages
作者 李雅靖
Author Ya-Ching LEE
關鍵詞 品牌忠誠度,粉絲專頁,轉換成本,繼續使用行為意圖
Keywords Brand loyalty, fan page, post-adoption intentions, switching costs
摘要 本研究採用雙元模型,調查影響消費者繼續使用品牌社群媒體粉絲專頁的重要因素。本研究發現,專注基礎機制與限制基礎機制會影響消費者繼續使用品牌社群媒體粉絲專頁的意圖,品牌粉絲專頁的社群型態之不同,會造成成員續用意圖決策上的差異。在理論的貢獻上,本研究提出適合分析臉書粉絲專頁的雙元模型,也分析不同社群型態之續用決策差異,補足文獻之不足。最後,本研究提出實務上的建議。
Abstract This research proposes a dual model to analyze the post-adoption intentions of Facebook fan pages. The results demonstrate that the dedicationbased mechanism and the constraint-based mechanism affect the post-adoption intentions of Facebook fan pages. This research also discovers the differences of the post-adoption decisions for various social community types. This paper makes academic contributions by proposing a dual model for analyzing consumer behaviors using Facebook fan pages. Impacts of the important factors on the post-adoption, WOM, and attractiveness to alternatives are also examined. This paper contributes to the theory by discovering several determinants affecting post-adoption intentions. The research results enhance our understanding about the post-adoption of social media communities. It also fills a gap in the literature by increasing the knowledge about decision patterns of different social communities. Finally, this research makes some practical suggestions.

李雅靖(2015)。〈臉書粉絲專頁採用後行為意圖之雙元模型〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第34 期,頁117–150。

Citation of this article:
Lee, Y.-C. (2015). A dual model of post-adoption intentions to use Facebook fan pages. Communication & Society, 34, 117–150.
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