October  2015 34
研究論文Research Articles
The Influence of Perceived Importance and Credibility regarding Health Information in Media on Health Information-Seeking Behavior
作者 盧鴻毅
Author Hung-Yi LU
關鍵詞 健康資訊重要性、健康資訊可信度、健康資訊尋求
Keywords Perceived importance of health information, perceived credibility of health information, health information seeking
摘要 本研究主要探討個人對媒體報導的健康資訊重要性及可信度感知,如何影響其健康資訊尋求行為。本研究資料取自「台灣傳播調查資料庫」第一期第一次計劃調查,此一橫斷面的問卷調查研究於2012年7月1日至9月10日之間,針對台灣地區滿十八歲的中華民國國民進行調查,共訪問4,750人,最後回收2,000份有效問卷,有效回收率為42.10%。研究結果發現,在控制人口變項及媒介使用行為之下,受訪者對「媒體報導的健康資訊重要性」(β= .57, p < .001)及「媒體報導的健康資訊可信度」(β= .12, p < .001)感知,均正向地預測資訊尋求行為。本研究建議,衛政單位進行健康宣導時,應強化該訊息對接收者的重要性,並提高資訊的可信度,以提高衛教宣導的效果。
Abstract This study aims to explore the influence of perceived importance and credibility regarding health information in media on health information seeking. In a cross-sectional study conducted by the "Communication Study Database" group from July 1 to September 10, 2012, 4,750 respondents were recruited to participate and 2,750 participants successfully completed the questionnaire. The valid response rate was 42.10%. The finding of this study showed that perceived importance and credibility concerning health information were significant determinants of health information seeking after controlling the influence of demographic variables and media use. The findings of this study imply that it is vital to reinforce receivers' perception of information importance and credibility as health professionals attempt to impart health information to targets.


盧鴻毅(2015)。〈媒體報導的健康資訊重要性及可信度感知對健康資訊尋求行為的影響〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第34 期,頁89–115。

Citation of this article:

Lu, H.-Y. (2015). The influence of perceived importance and credibility regarding health information in media on health informationseeking behavior. Communication & Society, 34, 89–115.
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