October  2015 34
研究論文Research Articles
The Internet and Friendship Networks:Replacement, Augmentation, and Stimulation
作者 陶振超
Author Chen-Chao TAO
關鍵詞 社交媒體、友誼形成、網絡規模、社會互動、強連結
Keywords friendship formation, network size, social interaction, social media, strong ties
摘要 網際網路的出現影響了友誼網絡。有三種不同論點:取代論主張網路上認識的新朋友,會取代真實世界的既存朋友;擴大論主張網路上認識的新朋友,會使人們有更多朋友;強化論主張網路提升既存朋友間的關係,使得人們有更多親密朋友。本文以2012台灣傳播調查資料庫全國代表性樣本,檢視不同網際網路應用是否適用不同理論。結果發現網際網路並沒有減少與既存朋友的互動,反而是增加;但擴大或強化的能力皆有限,尤其社交媒體。結論指出友誼網絡影響網際網路如何被使用。
Abstract The advent of the Internet affects friendship networks. There are three different hypotheses regarding this. The displacement hypothesis argues that new friends who meet online will replace existing friends in the real world. The augmentation hypothesis contends that new friends who meet online will expand the size of their friendship networks. The stimulation hypothesis proposes that the Internet enhances the strength of existing friends and enlarges strong-tie networks. Using the nationally representative sample in the 2012 Taiwan Communication Survey, this study investigates whether different hypotheses apply to different Internet applications. The results show that the Internet actually increases, not decreases, social interactions with existing friends, but these social interactions neither create strong ties for new friends who meet online nor translate existing weak ties into strong ties, especially for social media. It is concluded that friendship networks influence the social use of the Internet.


陶振超(2015)。〈網際網路與友誼網絡:取代、擴大、或強化〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第34 期,頁57–88。

Citation of this article:

Tao, C.-C. (2015). The internet and friendship networks: Replacement, augmentation, and stimulation. Communication & Society, 34, 57–88.
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