October  2015 34
研究論文Research Articles
新媒體環境下大陸報業新聞從業者工作自主性的影響因素研究—— 基於個體特徵變數的考察
Influencing Factors of Chinese Mainland Newspaper Journalists
作者 曾麗紅、吳雁
Author Lihong ZENG, Yan WU
關鍵詞 工作自主性、新聞從業者、媒介角色認知、互聯網使用技能
Keywords Work autonomy, journalists, cognition of the media's role, skills of internet use
摘要 本文是15年來針對中國大陸報業新聞從業者最大規模問卷調查研究的一部分,旨在了解新媒體環境下大陸報業新聞從業者的工作自主狀態及其影響因素。通過文獻梳理發現,既往的新聞從業者研究多從傳統的結構功能範式出發,忽略了對新聞從業者個體能動特徵的考察。本項研究突破傳統方法論的局限,採用定量的研究方法,旨在考察新聞從業者的個體特徵變數對其工作自主性的能動影響。本文的主要研究問題是:新媒體環境下大陸報業新聞從業者工作自主性認知的整體狀況如何?新媒體環境下新聞從業者個體特徵變數中的媒介角色認知和互聯網使用技能是否可以預測其工作自主性?通過問卷調查和統計分析,本項研究發現:第一,新媒體環境下大陸報業新聞從業者對工作自主性的整體評價有所下降。第二,在控制人口變數的基礎上,新聞從業者個體特徵變數中的媒介角色認知和互聯網使用技能對其工作自主性均造成了顯著影響。
Abstract According to newspaper journalists in mainland China, this thesis is part of the largest survey research in the last 15 years. The thesis' aim is to investigate mainland newspaper journalists' work autonomy and its influencing factors in the new media environment. Through literature review, it is found that in most of the previous studies, journalists chose the structural functionalism paradigm view and ignored the investigation of journalists' individual characteristics.Breaking through the limitations of traditional methodology and using quantitative study methods, this study is designed to explore how journalists' individual characteristic variables affect their work autonomy. The following are the main research problems of this study: What is the overall situation of Chinese mainland newspaper journalists' work autonomy under the new media environment? Can the Chinese mainland newspaper journalists' cognition of media role and skills of internet use predict journalists' work autonomy? Through questionnaires and statistical analysis, this study has two conclusions: First, there is a decline of mainland journalists' overall evaluation of work autonomy in the new media environment; second, on the basis of controlling the demographic variables, Chinese mainland newspaper journalists' cognition of the media's role and skills of internet use both have prominent impacts on their work autonomy.


曾麗紅、吳雁(2015)。〈新媒體環境下大陸報業新聞從業者工作自主性的影響因素研究——基於個體特徵變數的考察〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第34 期,頁19–55。

Citation of this article:

Zeng, L., & Wu, Y. (2015). Influencing factors of Chinese mainland newspaper journalists' work autonomy under the new media environment: A study based on individual characteristic variables. Communication & Society, 34, 19–55.
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