October  2015 34
Media, Sovereignty, and Cognitive Capitalism
作者 對談人:雷思泰(Scott Lash)、馮應謙 / 統稿:馮應謙
Author Discussants: Scott LASH, Anthony Y. H. FUNG / Editor: Anthony Y. H. FUNG
摘要 「『主權』的運作方式不同:它並不是要通過某些手段來達成某種目的,或者也可以說,主權本身是沒有目的性的。我覺得佔領運動就包含這樣的邏輯,從它的口號『佔領一切,沒有訴求』(Occupy Everything, Demand Nothing)中便可以看出。」
Abstract The dialogue is the development of the thought of Prof. Scott Lash on China, capitalism, global politics, and media. Scott explores an emerging concept of sovereignty—originally suggested by Giorgio Agamben—that can be seen in social media, occupying movements, and local governance in China. It is a new way for people to live without becoming subordinated to or dependent upon external forces. According to Lash, while our society evolves into a new form of capitalism, namely cognitive capitalism, there is also a new conception of resistance, which can be understood as a resistance of means without end.


馮應謙(編)(2015)。〈媒體、主權和認知資本主義〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第34 期,頁1–18。

Citation of this article:

Fung, A. Y. H. (Ed.). (2015). Media, sovereignty and cognitive capitalism. Communication & Society, 34, 1–18.
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