October  2021 58
Expanding Communication Studies Frontier




另外一篇研究論文〈解析文化創意產業的媒體神話— Van Gorp框架化分析取徑〉是以Van Gorp的框架化分析法,根據框架矩陣尋找「展現文化」、「看好產業」、「關注政策」和「憂心發展」四個維度所隱含的社會價值與意識形態,由此發現大量「翻轉/轉型故事」逐漸成為媒體報道的範本,媒體透過不同的框架化過程,將社會主流的經濟價值嵌入文創報道的新聞內容中,建構了文創產業成為台灣文化沒落與產業瓶頸的有效「解方」,新聞中的文化價值與經濟價值雖有拉鋸,但仍居弱勢。





最後,我希望引述湯姆森教授在本期對談中表達的研究灼見作為本文結尾:「沒有理論基礎,我們做任何研究的類推性都會受到極大的限制。從這個角度來看,理論甚至比樣本本身和生態效度更重要。…… 我們應該牢牢記住,理論是我們研究的根本。」

Expanding Communication Studies Frontier

As an effort to expand the communication studies frontier, this issue contains five research articles and one ICA annual bilingual paper. They demonstrate the solid research process in studying the societal changes and media/communication logic from a wide array of conceptual frameworks and through various methodologies. The first research article explicates the shift in researchers’attention from mass media to mobile devices as opposed to mere “old wine in new bottle.” It is further calling for new mobilities paradigms to delineate and configure contemporary social life, where people’s physical space is intertwined with emerging technologies. The manuscript on the reproduction of images of such media events as Mao’s funeral transcends the conventional discourse involving the entrance of media events into collective memories and institutional arrangement. Instead, the article delineates the dynamics between media events and political ecology via an interpretive approach towards the image reproduction of perpetuated Chinese contemporary history. The article on “TV and News integrated with APP,” offering comparative perspectives on TV networks’ app convergence, transitioning to mobile portals, enriches the ongoing debates on the collaborations between visual images and texts and their restrictions. Undoubtedly, the findings help generalize the extant theories into a wider scope of areas. This issue also features more contextualized framing analyses on the declining cultural and creative industry news in Taiwan. The results portend the prospects of mediated construction of cultural industry and economic values. The bilingual research paper on the influence of news on perception and prevention practices of Covid-19 by Americans not only well exemplifies the enriching trend of the third person effect theory in the pandemic contexts, but also is meaningful to a wide range of fields, such as the crisis communication; whereas the study on TV mediated quasi-interaction reveals the values of renewing debates on traditional media for its affordability to prompt more social interactions. In “Dialogue” section, two distinguished scholars in health communication, Prof. Thompson and Prof. Dutta share their insights and experiences in theory development and Asian imaginaries of health communication studies.


黃煜(2021)。〈拓展傳播研究的知識疆域〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第58 期,頁v–ix。

Citation of this article: Huang, Y. (2021). Expanding communication studies frontier. Communication and Society, 58, v–ix.

















































































































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