October  2019 50
From Marxism Journalism to the Market Structure of Communication Research

傳播學國際化一直是傳播學者關切的問題。自1980年代以來,傳播學市場規模的增長情況如何?美國是否仍然在傳播學國際化的市場上維持壟斷地位?傳播學國際化市場中的國家競爭與合作情況如何?祝建華教授在本期的ICA年度雙語論文〈從獨家壟斷到競爭性多頭主導的傳播學國際化市場結構〉,對上述問題提供了精闢的分析。祝教授分析1980年至2019年的SSCI傳播學期刊上刊登的所有研究論文,並分析1997年至2018年的《期刊引用報告》(Journal Citation Reports),他的研究發現傳播學是整個社會科學中增長最快的學科,SSCI傳播學期刊的發展規模及傳播學期刊發表的論文數量的增長率,均高於其他社會科學學科的平均增長率,甚至遠高於社會學、政治學及社會心理學等「三大相鄰學科」的增長率。

此外,他的研究也發現,美國在1980年代曾在傳播學門具有絕對的壟斷地位;但到1990 年代以後,美國在傳播學的壟斷地位已經被「多國壟斷」所取代。目前在SSCI傳播學期刊上發表論文最多的國家是美國、英國、加拿大、澳大利亞及荷蘭。這五個國家堪稱是傳播學的五大強國。亞洲國家與地區則以香港、日本與韓國所發表的論文最多。換言之,目前的傳播學研究不僅市場規模持續增長,市場結構也由美國壟斷演變成多國壟斷的情況。



This issue comprises three different sections: an academic dialogue, five research articles, and the ICA annual bilingual paper. For the academic dialogue, Professor Chen Lidan shares his insights on controversies within Marxist ideology regarding the press, news, and communication. The ICA annual bilingual article was written by Professor Jonathan J. H. Zhu. Professor Zhu analyzes over 45,000 research articles in SSCI-Communication journals from 1980 to 2019 and the ranking record of all SSCI in Journal Citation Reports from 1997 to 2018. His research indicates that communication has become one of the fastest growing disciplines in the social sciences and that the market structure of communication research has undergone significant and continuous changes over the past four decades. The marketplace of communication research has become increasingly internationalized, less concentrated, and more collaborative. The five research articles cover different topics, including the impact of popular media criticism on the journalism profession, media interaction in social networks, the impact of social media on intercultural adaptation, and the intermedia agenda for setting and priming effects between traditional and social media.




Citation of this article:

Lo, V.-H. (2019). From Marxism journalism to the market structure of communication research. Communication & Society, 50, vvii.


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