April  2016 36
Media Education in Greater China: Contexts and Prospects
In this issue, the “Dialogue” section is dedicated to Professor Hsu Chia-shih, one of the true great journalism educators of the 20th century in Greater China. All the articles in this section were contributed by invitation from the editorial board, and all have one commonality: they pay tribute to the legacy of Professor Hsu. This special issue also brings together a selection of insightful papers that address different aspects of media education, including the practice of mentoring in newsrooms, the teaching of interactive storytelling skills in the current digital age, and a comparison of journalism students in Hong Kong and mainland China concerning their perception of journalistic roles. There is notable diversity in a methodological sense, too. Quantitative research, based on the hypothetical-deductive model, exists alongside an interpretive, social constructivist approach to qualitative case study research. The Communication Forum in this issue reviews the past and present status of political communication research in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, the rise of new media and the broader set of social changes present the local field of political communication scholarship with new opportunities and challenges.



宋韻雅(2016)。〈大中華地區傳媒教育的情境與展望〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第36 期,頁v–vii。


Citation of this article:

Song, Y. (2016). Media education in Greater China: Contexts and prospects. Communication & Society, 36, v–vii.

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